Course overview
The course is a springboard into undergraduate study, topics are linked to the core subjects of the first year of our BA (Hons) History. You examine a range of time periods covering over 500 years, including:
• the development of modern Britain
• issues surrounding the history of the British Empire
• sixteenth and seventeenth century history including the Lutheran Reformation
• European social and political history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Summer university
Start date: to be confirmed
Applications open early April. To receive a notification when applications open, please register your details
You can study up to 30 credits at Summer University and you can select up to three modules on the same application form. If you would like to add a module later, or change one of your choices, then please email
Age restriction
Due to the content and delivery of our Summer University courses, it is advised that applicants are aged 16+ at the time of enrolment. All applicants under the age of 18 at the time of enrolment must provide a completed parental consent form and those under 16 years of age are required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. You can download the
parental consent form and send to after you submit your application.
See more Summer University courses
Where you study
Middlesbrough campus
Course details
What you study
Introduction to history and primary sources
The first session introduces you to the course, you look at the main learning points and how your work is assessed. You consider the main ways to study the past and examine primary sources, starting with photographs and illustrations.
Primary sources II: Accessing the past
You continue to explore primary sources, particularly, historical diaries, oral testimony, newspapers and sources relating to the history of Teesside University’s campus to shed light on what the urban environment tells us about the past.
Secondary sources
You learn about Teesside University Library website, where you can find a wide variety of resources. You also explore different kinds of secondary sources, see how they should be used and how you can evaluate secondary information.
Historical debates and imperial history
You explore how historians debate, how they make use of historiography and why it is important that they maintain objectivity and be aware of the problems of bias. You also explore the British Empire, its development, why it declined and how it should be remembered.
Understanding early modern history
You explore the main events in British history between 1485-1750, examine key source material and try to gain an insight into what life was like for people living at this time. You also critically examine early-modern kingship and discover how you can use portraiture and art as a primary source.
Interpreting religious change
You explore the early-modern period by thinking about the starting point of one of history’s biggest transformations – the Reformation. You consider the issues that prompted Martin Luther to take action, debate what motivated him, try to make sense of how events played out and interpret what the legacy of his actions are.
Exploring modern European history
You examine the major European developments from the French Revolution in 1789 through to the adoption of a single European currency in 2000. You consider why timelines can be useful to historians before looking at the key events, alliances and conflicts that defined the modern period. You also examine important primary sources.
Examining History: The Fall of France
You look in detail at the plight of France during the Second World War. You explore ‘the exodus’ which occurred as the French tried to escape the Nazi invasion and the terms of the armistice and consider what life was like in occupied/Vichy France.
How you are assessed
1 x primary source evaluation (500 words)
1 x short essay (750-1,000 words)
One draft of each may be submitted beforehand for feedback.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements
International applicants must have an IELTS overall score of 5.5 or higher.
Age restriction
Due to the content and delivery of our Summer University courses, it is advised that applicants are aged 16+ at the time of enrolment. All applicants under the age of 18 at the time of enrolment must provide a completed parental consent form and those under 16 years of age are required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. You can download the
parental consent form and send to after you submit your application.