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The Prevent Duty

The Counter Terrorism and Security Act (2015) places the University as a Relevant Higher Education Body or RHEB under a duty to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism or extremism. Known as the 'Prevent Duty' this requirement refers to both staff and students at the University and we are required to report on our progress to the Office for Students to which the Government has given monitoring responsibilities.

What are we doing?

As part of this monitoring, the University has to demonstrate our progress in a range of key areas:

The University is committed to ensuring we meet our requirements as outlined in the Prevent Duty and whilst doing so that we:

  • Protect academic freedom and freedom of speech as the cornerstones of University life, allowing our staff and students to disagree and to hear messages they may not necessarily be comfortable with, as long as these are within the law
  • Ensure that equality and diversity remains at the heart of all our activities, supporting campus cohesion and ensuring positive relations between all groups in the University family
  • Actively work to safeguard our staff and students radicalisation and other forms of exploitation

The Executive Director of Legal and Governance Services and University Secretary is the University's lead on our approach to the prevent duty on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor and the University Executive.

Prevent Duty Policy and Procedure

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