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Short courses & CPD
Media & Journalism

Introduction to Film and TV Production

Through a dynamic and exciting learning experience, you create and develop a portfolio of developmental content and learn through doing.


Credits: 10, Level: 4


Course overview

You work across three strands – image capture, video, and audio production – providing you with an introduction to content creation for a range of media formats. You acquire basic practical experience of concept generation, production planning and project development alongside the relevant technical skills and essential techniques for media production.

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Summer university

Start date: Starts Monday 1 July, Mondays and Wednesdays for 4 weeks, 6-9pm

This course is now full. Please view our other Summer University courses

You can study up to 30 credits at Summer University and you can select up to three modules on the same application form. If you would like to add a module later, or change one of your choices, then please email

Age restriction
Due to the content and delivery of our Summer University courses, it is advised that applicants are aged 16+ at the time of enrolment. All applicants under the age of 18 at the time of enrolment must provide a completed parental consent form and those under 16 years of age are required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. You can download the parental consent form and send to after you submit your application.

See more Summer University courses

Where you study

Middlesbrough campus


Course details

What you study

- digital storytelling using audio, video and images
- professional practice of shooting video on mobile devices, recording audio and the basic principles of photography
- principles of editing audio, video and images
- articulate and optimise online content so it is shareable and findable.

How you are assessed

You are assessed through the production of a portfolio during class sessions and time outside of scheduled sessions.

Your portfolio is the production of a digital audio or video artefact, showcased on an online platform (tuxtra). Your artefact should be 2 - 3 minutes and demonstrate your ability to record audio or video to a professional standard, write and record a commentary script and upload to the web.


Entry requirements

Entry requirements

Minimum hardware and software requirements
- Macbook or desktop PC capable of running Adobe Creative Suite
- Adobe Creative Suite (available to students during the course)
- video and audio capture device (webcam / smart phone).

International applicants must have an IELTS overall score of 5.5 or higher.

Age restriction
Due to the content and delivery of our Summer University courses, it is advised that applicants are aged 16+ at the time of enrolment. All applicants under the age of 18 at the time of enrolment must provide a completed parental consent form and those under 16 years of age are required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. You can download the parental consent form and send to after you submit your application.



2024/25 entry

Fee for applicants:

  • Length: Credits: 10, Level: 4
  • Start date: Starts Monday 1 July, Mondays and Wednesdays for 4 weeks, 6-9pm

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