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Short courses & CPD
Nursing & Health

Designing Research Projects* University Certificate in Postgraduate Continuing Education

We give you the necessary knowledge and skills to design and manage a research project relevant to your practice. As such the indicative content is focused upon key aspects of study design and fundamental issues regarding collection/generation and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. Aspects surrounding the scientific and ethical credibility of both research paradigms are be addressed.


11 weeks


Course overview

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Where you study

Teesside University campus and online.

* Subject to University approval


Course details

What you study

Topics include:

  • Developing research questions, aims and hypotheses
  • Primary Research Methods: quantitative and qualitative research approaches, designs, sampling and data collection techniques
  • Qualitative data management and analysis
  • Quantitative data analysis (selection of appropriate statistical techniques)
  • Secondary Research Methods: systematic reviews
  • Clinical audit and service evaluation methods
  • Research governance and ethical issues and procedures associated with applications for ethical approval and release
  • Project management
  • Preparing and writing a proposal for audit, evaluation or research (primary and secondary).

How you learn

The learning and teaching strategy is flexible and as a student you can choose to undertake this award by attending lectures, seminars and tutorials; or by distance learning which uses e-learning@tees to provide resource based open learning materials and student/tutor discussion. Those undertaking both attendance and distance learning approaches are encouraged to play an active role in group discussions and learning activities.

How you are assessed

You are required to submit a written research proposal (4000 words) in week 13 of the module.


Entry requirements

Entry requirements

Applicants should have an undergraduate degree in a health or social care related subject at 2:2 or above.



Career opportunities

This award will enhance your research skills and knowledge base



2025-26 entry

Fee for applicants:

  • Length: 11 weeks
  • Start date: January or September
  • Level: Master's
  • Credits: 20

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Service user and carer involvement

Service users and carers support all aspects of our students' lifecycle from recruitment to graduation.

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