Use our FAQs below to help with any issues you may be having with your timetable.
Publication dates for 2024/25 are:
Timetables are published two weeks before teaching commences in each semester and you can view your personal timetable on MyTU.
No, timetables for semester 1 and semester 2 are published separately. Both are released two weeks prior to the start of the semester.
No, it is unlikely that your timetable would be exactly the same in both semesters.
Timetables are published two weeks before the start of teaching. If, after this time you still cannot see your timetable, please follow the guidance below.
Please ensure that you complete the following checks:
Once both actions are completed, if you still cannot see your timetable, please contact the timetable team on:
If you wish to request a change of seminar/practical group, your request must be submitted using the online form:
Request a change of seminar/practical group
If there are multiple sessions you would like to change, you can submit them all on one form.
Note, it can take the timetabling team up to 5 working days to process your form, please do not submit duplicate requests until you hear back from the team.
Your request will be considered in line with availability in the other groups and avoidance of clashes on your existing timetable. Until you receive a response from the timetabling team you must attend the classes shown on your timetable in MyTU.
The deadline for submitting requests is week 6 of each semester. After week 6, only requests that are submitted due to exceptional circumstances will be considered and with additional authorisation from your academic School.
Requests for making changes to your timetable should normally be submitted within the first 6 weeks of the semester. Any requests received after Friday of Teaching Week 6 will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and we may need to seek additional authorisation from your academic School.
Normally Lectures only run once so there is unlikely to be another Lecture that you can swap to.
It will help us to help you if you don't ask for specific groups as these may be full. If you provide details of why a certain days are better than others, we can look for a session on those days. Or if you have days that need to be avoided, we can try to accommodate those.
Please remember that it may not be possible to accommodate your changes, either because the module only runs on one day a week, or the other groups may be full already.
You will be allocated to seminar groups for each of your modules before the start of teaching. The seminar and practical groups that you are assigned have been allocated based on your full timetable and the modules that you will be studying. We have allocated students in this way in order to eliminate any clashes on timetables and to provide a more structured holistic timetable.
No, we are unable to prioritise based on circumstances. We deal with change requests based on when they are submitted.
You would need to submit an online form and request the changes you want for each module. Please provide your friend's full name and Library number.
Changes will only be processed if there are spaces available in your desired group, it fits in within your timetable and doesn't create a clash. This may mean that we are not able to give you exactly the same timetable, as it will depend on the group sizes.
The Timetabling Team will make every effort to process your request as soon as possible, however, during peak times this can take up to 5 working days. Please note, until the Timetabling Team have confirmed the change has been made, you must continue to attend classes as they appear on your timetable.
Until the Timetabling Team have confirmed the change has been made, you must continue to attend classes as they appear on your timetable. Please note, during busy periods, timetable change requests can take up to 5 working days to process.
All correspondence from the Timetabling Team will be sent to your University e-mail account (
Group sizes are based on the maximum number of students that can be taught in a group for that module. This is to enable the tutor to provide you with the appropriate level of support in your class. The actual room your seminar takes place in may be bigger than the maximum group size, so although there is physically space for you in that room, it would impact on your learning experience if the group was too big.
You will be marked as absent for MyAttendance purposes. You will also not receive any updates for that class if you are not registered as being in it, so if the room changes you will not be notified. Your timetable will only be updated if you submit the online form requesting a change.
Academic staff members do not have access to the timetable system to be able to action any change of groups. Therefore changes to groups can only be considered if submitted via the online timetable change request form.
You can call the timetabling office on 01642 342030 Monday to Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm.
(Please note, students cannot request a timetable change over the phone, you must submit a Timetable Change Request Form)