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Nursing & Health

Head and Neck Ultrasound with Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology University Certificate in Postgraduate Professional Development

This module will progress sonographers to become advanced practitioners performing diagnostic head and neck (H&N) ultrasound imaging and associated fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), safely and effectively to national guidelines.


28 weeks


Course overview

It will be delivered over two semesters. Over the first nine weeks of the module, you will engage with directed study via the University’s e-learning environment, and the e-learning for health material prepared by the Royal College of Radiologists (RITI).

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Where you study

You study at our Middlesbrough campus.


Course details

How you learn

To learn and develop the techniques necessary for the safe practice of H&N ultrasound imaging, you attend a mandatory two-day practical teaching workshop within the Regional Ultrasound Simulation Centre. This workshop timetabled for week two will be a mix of practical and case-based teaching. You consolidate your learning in your clinical placement and attend a second mandatory one-day teaching workshop timetabled for week ten to review technique and learn how to perform FNAC.

Throughout the duration of the module you must engage with a clinical placement where you can learn the necessary skills to perform and report high quality H&N ultrasound imaging and associated FNAC.

You have access to either face-to-face or webinar tutorials, and a mentor who can provide guidance and support.

How you are assessed

There are two summative assessments to be completed.

3,000 word case study
a final triggered practical assessment.


Entry requirements

Entry requirements

Applicants must be a sonographer with a professional registration.



2025-26 entry

Fee for applicants:

  • Length: 28 weeks
  • Start date: September
  • Level: Master's
  • Credits: 40

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