Led by our fourth-year students, the clinic provides assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of a range of musculoskeletal and neurologic conditions, under the supervision of a qualified chiropractor registered with the General Chiropractic Council.
Chiropractic can treat many different issues. We commonly see:
An initial assessment, lasting up to two hours, helps to diagnose your condition. You may be asked to remove some clothing for the physical assessment, which the student clinician will explain and gain consent for. It is helpful to wear or bring shorts and a vest top, or the clinic can provide a gown.
At the second visit, the student clinician presents their findings and discusses a diagnosis and treatment plan based on your individual needs. If you are happy to proceed, treatment typically begins at this appointment. Clinicians often use spinal and extremity manipulation, soft tissue therapies and instrument assisted techniques to reduce pain and improve mobility, function, and performance.
You can expect the same level of care and confidentiality you would expect from your GP or local hospital.
There is no cost for University staff and students. For Teesside University graduates and members of the public, the initial assessment is £20, and all follow-up appointments are £10 each.
Email chiropractic@tees.ac.uk. Clinics run throughout the year, except over Easter and Christmas.
Health and Wellbeing Hub - Chiropractic Clinic
School of Health & Life Sciences
Centuria (room HS0.17)
Teesside University