Mr Templeman’s speech was titled ‘How business and education can work together to improve UK competitiveness’ and was delivered in front of a packed audience at the University’s Europa Building.
The IoD has over 50,000 members in the UK and oversees every sector of the economy.
Business issues that matter to the Tees Valley
Around 200 people gathered for the Business School’s Annual Conference, which also included keynote speeches from Hugh Lang, Chairman of Tees Valley Unlimited, Rob McCusker, Reader in Fraud and Financial Crime from Teesside Business School, Alan Brown, a North East Fraud Forum Representative and Noel Dennis, Principal lecturer in Marketing in Teesside Business School.
Alastair Thomson, Dean of the Business School, said: 'Teesside Business School is pleased to play a major part in the business landscape of the Tees Valley. Through our Annual Conference we get top national and regional figures to give their perspective on the business issues that matter to the Tees Valley.
'We were very fortunate to have Miles Templeman at the University to share his thoughts with us on the challenges ahead for business leaders and the businesses they run. At difficult times like these, Miles is sought out by both government and opposition leaders to advise them on the major economic issues of the day.'