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Setting the scene for a bright future

27 August 2009


Studying Crime Scene Investigation and Forensic Science can lead to a range of exciting career opportunities and we have a number of courses starting in Darlington in September.

You’ll be able to choose from:

  • Developments in Forensic Science, UCPPD
  • Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation, UCPD
  • Introduction to Forensic Investigation, UCPD.

The courses will equip you with a basic knowledge of the practice and issues surrounding modern crime scene and forensic investigation, including the use of science at the crime scene and in the laboratory, and presenting evidence in court.

You will also have the opportunity to undertake hands-on practical aspects within mock crime scenes, so that by the end of the course you will have an understanding of the role, and some of the skills in scene examination and recording, evidence collection and evaluation.

Why not enquire now

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