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Charlotte’s Scored a Double

28 November 2000


Charlotte Page has scored a double by graduating with a first class BSc (Hons) degree in Sports Science from the University of Teesside, and winning the Armstrong Sports Award for best final year dissertation. Charlotte, 21, from Lowcross Avenue, Guisborough will receive her prize (today) at the University’s Academic Awards Ceremony at the Middlesbrough Town Hall, Middlesbrough.

The dissertation examined ‘Burn Out’ in youth sport which examined the difference between team and individual sports with regard to why children participate. Charlotte carried out extensive primary research in sports clubs across Teesside, including Guisborough Youth Football Club, Guisborough Youth Rugby Club and Guisborough Swimming Club. The research involved examining the children’s activities and recording trends. Charlotte’s interest in the physical fitness of children has led her to study for a post-graduate teaching certificate, which will qualify her as secondary school sports teacher.

Charlotte said: “The course involved sports theory, not just practice, which has stood me in good stead for working in sports education. The lecturers were prepared to put in a lot of time, which was really encouraging. I particularly enjoyed the exercise and physiology modules, and found the University Labs well equipped and interesting to work in”.

She combined her study with three demanding part-time jobs, which allowed her to gain valuable experience of sports education whilst studying at Teesside. She worked as a fitness instructor at the University, and as a lifeguard and gym instructor in Guisborough. She came to Teesside after achieving three A-Levels in French, History and Sports Studies at Prior Pursglove Sixth Form College in Guisborough.

Charlotte is the first in the family to go to university. She said: “Swimming has always been my favourite sport, and I was coached by my dad. My parents, Alan and Yvonne, have always encouraged my to succeed. When I found out I had a First, I was really chuffed. The skills I learnt on my course at Teesside, along with my work experience, will be good preparation for secondary school teaching.

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