The fair will be held in the Institute of Digital Innovation (IDI), Phoenix Building, from 3.00pm to 5.00pm, where visitors can learn more about digital master’s courses in the School of Computing and the School of Arts & Media.
Staff and students from animation, computer games, graphic design, journalism, television production, digital music and other new computing programmes will be available to meet visitors to talk about their courses and the experience of postgraduate study at Teesside.
Colleagues from Student Services will also be available to talk about fees and funding and the University’s postgraduate bursary scheme.
Refreshments will also be available on the day. For more information contact Christine Wilson in the IDI on 01642 738888, or email
The IDI is home to several of the University’s leading digital research groups as well as the postgraduate laboratories where many of the digital courses are taught. It also hosts the University’s sound stage facility, including the sound studio and hi-definition green screen and motion control system.
The nationally recognised DigitalCity Fellowship scheme is also based in the IDI and has successfully helped create over 100 new graduate start-up businesses in the digital sector since its inception.