The University has rocketed 35 up places in this year’s League to 63rd place, placing Teesside University in the 2:1 category (the League grades Higher Education institutions according to degree classifications).
People & Planet is a student network campaigning to end poverty, defend human rights and protect the environment. This is the fifth year of the People & Planet League and this year 142 institutions took part, the highest ever number.
The People & Planet League ranks institutions according to 13 criteria designed to assess their policy and senior-level commitment to environmental management and indicators of performance against policy commitments. The criteria scored are:
>environmental policy >management staff >environmental auditing and management systems >ethical investment >carbon management >ethical procurement >sustainable food >staff and student engagement >curriculum >energy sources >waste and recycling >carbon reduction >water reduction.
Denis Minchell, Deputy Director (Head of Estates) said: 'Teesside University has always undertaken best practice in each area of environmental impact.
'In recent years the results of investment in new technologies in our Capital and Minor Works programmes, together with more focus through the work of the Environmental Advisory Group and the Environmental Representatives Scheme and the Eco Campus work, is now bearing fruit. The end results are now attracting the recognition that the staff and students of the University deserve.'