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International writer comes to Teesside University to talk about her career in comics

07 February 2014


An internationally recognised comics writer who has worked on famous titles such as Wonder Woman and Batman is travelling to Teesside University to talk about her remarkable career.

Gail Simone, who has also written for The Simpsons, will be the star attraction at this year’s Animex Comics.

Animex Comics was launched last year as part of the international Animex festival which is held annually at Teesside University and is the largest and longest running festival dedicated to animation and computer games in the UK.

This will be Gail’s first Animex experience and she is flying in from America especially for the festival.

She said: 'It’s different from most of the events I attend, which are more along the lines of a traditional convention.

'What’s exciting for me is the depth of the programming and guest list. There are speakers that I am dying to hear from on topics I can never get enough of, that’s the best bit for me.'

Gail will be giving a talk called A Career in Comics, which will look at some of the successes and highlights of her time in the industry.

She added: 'One of my hopes is always that there will be aspiring creators in the audience. I love the idea that some panel or lecture might provide the exact spark that will make an audience member take that chance and go down that road.

'I’ve been doing this for ten years and I find inspiration at every event I attend.

'I love my job. I work with astoundingly talented artists and travel all over the world talking to readers, it’s a lovely job and I highly recommend it.'

Animex takes place from 10-14 February and attracts hundreds of people from all over the UK and Europe. This year Teesside University will welcome names from companies including Disney, Ubisoft, Dreamworks and Marvel.

Gail will be speaking at Animex Comics on Wednesday 12 February from 3.45pm.

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