As one of its first actions, the North of England Consortium for Arts and Humanities (NECAH), is offering 12 fully-funded PhD studentships starting this October.
NECAH is a partnership between Teesside University and the universities of Hull, Bradford, Huddersfield, Leeds Beckett and Sheffield Hallam.
It is co-ordinated through the Department of History at Hull and aims to strengthen the six institutions as beacons of arts and humanities research in the north, by offering innovative training and cross-institutional research supervision. Each member brings strengths in one or more key fields of research expertise and doctoral training.
Teesside’s contributing areas are History, English and Visual Culture. NECAH is supported initially by over £700,000 of funding from all six institutions to provide this first cohort of studentships. Successful applicants will work with supervisors at two or more participating institutions and can use the facilities at other consortium universities.
The deadline for applications for this first round of studentships is Thursday 5 March.
Dr Natasha Vall, Reader in Teesside University’s School of Arts & Media, said: 'We are delighted to be part of this new consortium that provides PhD students with an excellent environment in which to undertake humanities research training.'
Dr Peter Wilson, NECAH convenor and University of Hull academic, added: 'Universities in the north of England are already working on some excellent research projects in arts and humanities and these studentships will help our institutions attract the researchers of the future.'
The doctoral programme will be supported by a new Postgraduate Certificate in Arts and Humanities Research accredited and coordinated by Hull with contributions from staff from across the consortium. This will deliver an innovative combination of academic preparation and career-ready skills.
For further information, please contact, the Teesside University postgraduate lead for the consortium.