The schoolchildren had been working on a project where they were asked to illustrate what community means to them.
A selection of the drawings were chosen by the school to be placed inside the time capsule, alongside various artefacts representing the University’s success. These included a DVD of memorable moments, a souvenir of the University’s Queen’s Anniversary Prize, an 80th anniversary badge, a graduation brochure, prospectus, photographs and other commemorative items.
Teesside University has invested a quarter of a billion pound in its estate in recent years and has put £30m into its Campus Heart, the biggest programme of development the University has undertaken.
Campus Heart will completely transform the character of the campus and includes the iconic £20m teaching and learning building, extensive landscaping and upgrading and refurbishing the science and engineering facilities in both the Orion and Stephenson buildings.
Teesside University’s Chief Operating Officer Malcolm Page said: 'In recent years we have invested heavily in upgrading our estate to provide the best possible student experience.
'We were delighted to welcome the pupils from the neighbouring Abingdon Primary School, which the University has worked closely with on a range of aspirational projects over the years.
'It’s fantastic for the pupils to be able to witness the latest addition to our campus and I am sure that many of them will go onto study here at Teesside in the future.'