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There’s always room for a Pint of Science

05 May 2023


The mysteries of outer space, how dementia affects our loved ones, and microscopic missions are among the fascinating topics being discussed over a Pint of Science this month.

Dr Rhys Williams
Dr Rhys Williams

Pint of Science is a popular annual science festival which aims to make academic research more accessible to the public. This year it will feature a fantastic line-up of researchers from Teesside University, as well as a speaker from Grassholme Observatory - a facility dedicated to outreach in astronomy.

Pint of Science involves academics presenting their research in new and engaging ways, in informal settings including pubs and cafes in towns and cities across the country.

The Teesside Pint of Science events are being organised by Dr Rhys Williams and Dr Helen Tidy, from the University’s School of Health & Life Sciences. They will take place between Monday 22 May and Wednesday 24 May, at Off the Ground Coffee, Grange Road, Middlesbrough.

Grassholme Observatory Lead Astronomer Gary Fildes, along with Teesside University colleagues Dr Williams, Dr Atma Prakash, Dr Kamar Ameen-Ali, Dominic Gilchrist, and PhD students Aboli Valve and Zoe Bell, will share specialist insights and answer audience questions.

The first event, on Monday 22 May, is titled Outer Space, Inner Bar, and it will explore the mysteries of space and why we know so little about it. It will cover a range of topics, from satellites to space debris, and the dawn of time to the end of the world.

Next up will be a talk titled Defeating Dementia, on Tuesday 23 May. The discussion will consider how dementia affects our loved ones through declining brain function, and loss of memory, language and problem-solving abilities. It will also describe the challenges facing health services in providing the pastoral support we need for managing dementia care, and how interactive storytelling could help families to understand and cope with dementia.

I am delighted that Teesside University is once again leading these Pint of Science activities and am looking forward to another great event.

Dr Rhys Williams

The third and final Pint of Science talk, titled Microscopic Missions, takes place on Wednesday 24 May. It will delve into how scientific advancements allow us to interrogate tiny details to uncover hidden information and reshape human life.

Dr Rhys Williams, Lecturer in Forensic Science in Teesside University’s School of Health & Life Sciences, said: “Pint of Science is a celebration of the role science plays in our lives. It allows world-class researchers to share their knowledge in a relaxed and casual environment and is a great way of learning about, and questioning, our world.

“I am delighted that Teesside University is once again leading these Pint of Science activities and am looking forward to another great event.”

The Pint of Science talks are open to everybody, and tickets are priced at £5 per talk. Doors open at 5:30pm, with the talks getting underway at 6.00pm each evening. All proceeds go to Pint of Science, a non-profit organisation.

In the News

There's always room for a 'Pint of Science' at Teesside festival
Northern Echo, p.32, Print and Web, 05/05/2023
The mysteries of outer space, how dementia affects our loved ones, and microscopic missions are among the fascinating topics being discussed over a Pint of Science this month.

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