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Teesside University and South Tees NHS Trust collaborate to promote Allied Health Professions at local hospitals

01 August 2023


Colleagues from Teesside University’s School of Health & Life Sciences have worked with professionals at South Tees NHS Trust to create two new interactive display boards highlighting the work of Allied Health Professionals (AHP).

Interactive board in The James Cook University Hospital.
Interactive board in The James Cook University Hospital.

The eye-catching artwork aims to shine a light on the role of AHPs and inspire people to consider career opportunities in the sector.

The boards have been installed on busy corridors in The James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough and the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton to allow patients to learn about the teams of people who support their treatment and recovery.

People can scan QR codes on the boards using their smart phones to access more information about each individual profession, staff personal stories and career paths, and AHP courses available to study at Teesside University.

Alison Kerr, AHP Workforce Strategic Lead and Therapeutic Radiographer for South Tees NHS Trust, said: “We are delighted with the interactive boards. The collaboration between the trust and University has been fantastic and we have already received positive feedback from colleagues and members of the public.

“Patients have been able to learn about the different roles of Allied Health Professionals and recognise the professionals who have treated them.”

Allied Health Professionals are a diverse group of clinicians who deliver high-quality care to patients and clients across a wide range of care pathways and in a variety of different settings.

We are delighted with the interactive boards and hope they will inspire people to find out more and consider an AHP career.

Dr Ann French

AHPs offer system-wide care to assess, treat, diagnose, and discharge patients across all sectors. Through adopting a holistic approach to healthcare, AHPs can help manage patients’ care throughout their lives.

Teesside University offers a range AHP courses such as Occupational Therapy, Operating Department Practice, Paramedic Practice, Physiotherapy, Radiography and more.

Dr Ann French, Associate Dean, School of Health & Life Sciences, said: “We are delighted with the interactive boards and hope they will inspire people to find out more and consider an AHP career.

“Teesside University has a close, long-standing relationship with South Tees NHS Trust, and we are proud of all our students and graduates who work in the local hospitals, helping the community.

“At Teesside, we are pleased to offer a wide range of AHP courses which are delivered in first-class teaching and learning facilities across the Tees Valley.”

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