Kate’s PhD assesses the experiences and attitudes of women with learning disability, family carers, and paid care workers, towards the national cervical and breast cancer screening programmes.
- A UK Collaborative study of student peer leaders.
- Oral Presentation: European First Year Experience Conference: Ghent, Belgium.
- People with a learning disability and carers attitudes towards cervical and breast cancer screening: A systematic review and meta-aggregation.
- Poster presentation: Division of Health Psychology Conference: Newcastle, UK.
- An evaluation of a tier 2 weight management programme for children and young people.
- Poster presentation: UK Congress on Obesity
Kate completed her undergraduate degree in Psychology at Teesside University in 2015 where she then progressed onto a postgraduate masters in Health Psychology and Clinical Skills at Teesside University, graduating in 2016.
After graduating Kate worked for Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust in the Research and Development department helping set up research to recruit patients, service users and staff from the Trust.
Kate started her PhD research through a Graduate Tutor post, where she is aiming to find out what the attitudes and experiences are of women with a mild to moderate learning disability, family carers, and paid care workers, towards the national cervical and breast cancer screening programmes. The PhD is being completed within the School of Health under the supervision of Doctor Emma Giles, Doctor Grant McGeechan and Professor Sharon Hamilton.
As a Graduate Tutor, Kate also teaches within the School and has taught on multiple modules to different student cohorts on research methods and on the barriers and facilitators to people attending cancer screening.
Throughout the first year of her PhD Kate has taken up the role as the PhD student representative, where she organises monthly sessions for the PhD student in the school to help them through their PhD journey.