Our Net Zero research is shaping a cleaner, greener future which will be transformative for our region, the UK, and beyond.
Our pioneering research operates at the intersection of diverse disciplines, bringing together the brightest minds in engineering solutions, digital technologies, the creative industries, social policy, and business research.
We are collaborating with industry partners on research and innovation that will deliver significant global impact across hydrogen production and storage, carbon capture, circular economy, intelligent energy, and industrial systems, as well as AI prediction and digital modelling.
Successful industry partnerships and strong community engagement is delivering projects dedicated to catalysing change, fostering sustainable progress, and empowering industry and society to achieve their net zero ambition.
Spearheading this transformative journey is our flagship £13.1m Net Zero Industry Innovation Centre (NZIIC), which is already playing a vital role in the delivery of net zero ambitions. A hub for industrial collaboration and innovation and a national centre of excellence for net zero technologies, the centre is providing a focus for major investment, generating global interest and creating hundreds more clean energy jobs.
Multidisciplinary research and innovation at the Centre for Digital Innovation sees academics, researchers and students work collaboratively across areas including health and wellbeing, biosciences, social science, engineering, business and education.
The Centre for Sustainable Engineering focuses on the design, development, and enhancement of engineering systems, processes, and products that are efficient and sustainable without compromising the natural environment.