Led by our sports therapy and rehabilitation students, under the supervision of dedicated clinic staff who hold professional qualifications in sports therapy and rehabilitation, the clinic provides services to support with pain or injury involving the musculoskeletal system.
We have purpose-built clinical facilities to support with recovery from injury, injury prevention, reduction of pain, and maintenance of health and fitness through exercise, movement and manual therapeutic modalities or interventions. Sports therapists and sports rehabilitators work with people who have pain or injury involving the musculoskeletal system. Patients come from all backgrounds and ages
Injuries and conditions we treat include:
The clinics are open to the public, including children (with an appropriate adult), and accepts direct self-referrals for all services. You can see a sports therapist or rehabilitator for any musculoskeletal problem.
An initial consultation and assessment enables the students to identify possible causes of injury or pain, any predisposing factors to injury and any other health-related issues or complaints.
The students use their training and clinical reasoning to create a personally tailored treatment and rehabilitation plan, designed to restore optimum function and return you to physical activity. The plan includes advice, assessment, and education, in addition to exercise rehabilitation.
Treatment begins with a detailed assessment and diagnosis. All treatment plans use evidence-based therapeutic modalities and exercise and are continually evaluated and modified where required. Your treatment plan could include exercise, joint mobilisations, taping and electrotherapy, massage and other soft tissue work. Students are trained to select the most appropriate modalities for you and your injury.
Students are trained to record and protect all of your personal information, including relevant sensitive information, as part of your appointment. By keeping detailed records, we can ensure accurate and suitable progressions in your treatment and rehabilitation.
There is no cost for University staff and students. For Teesside University graduates and members of the public, the costs are £10 for the massage clinic, £20 for the injury clinic and £20 for the rehabilitation clinic.
Email SHLSmassageclinic@tees.ac.uk. Clinics run from late September to mid-May, except over Easter and Christmas.
Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation Clinics
School of Health & Life Sciences
Centuria (room HS0.17)
Teesside University