The activities are all part of the University’s free Higher Education Summer School. The pupils are all aged 15-16 from 39 Secondary Schools across the North-East and await their GCSE results in August.
Throughout the week, the pupils will work with student mentors on many activities from all of the University’s six academic schools, including:
* Designing a computer game
* Exploring the use of computer-aided design and robotics
* Examining what it's like to be young in the twenty-first century
* Learning how to be competitive in business
* Looking at the history of strong female fictional characters e.g. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Dana Scully in The X Files.
In addition, the pupils will complete group research projects to develop their team building, communication and analytical skills. They will also look at the range of career options available through University study by visiting Teesside’s careers service. However, it won’t be all work and no play for the group. As well as staying in Halls of Residence, the pupils will enjoy a good social life, with bowling, cinema, a quiz night, masked ball and formal dinner all available.
Sharon Bimson, Organiser of the Summer School, said: “We’ve tailored the week for students who are less familiar with Higher Education. It’s going to be an action-packed week and students will certainly not have time to get bored! The Summer School will help them see that university is for anyone and everyone who has the ability to go.”