Heather, 22, from Newby in North Yorkshire, came to the University with A levels in Biology, French and German from Stokesley School. Heather enrolled on the BA (Hons) International Business degree. She said: ‘I’ve always enjoyed languages, even a Spanish night class I enrolled on was more of a social evening. I chose International Business as I liked the idea of combining languages and business, so I could work around the world.’
Heather spent the third year of her degree at The Fachhochschule University, in Bielefeld, North West Germany. Heather’s placement was part of the ERASMUS scheme where students are granted £2,500 for studying abroad for a year.
Heather was also awarded a diploma in European Management, known as the DEMI (Diplome Europeen de Management). The DEMI includes areas of business management, international business management, economics, marketing and a language. The University’s Business School is part of the DEMI network, along with seven other European universities.
Heather said: ‘The German placement was the best part of the degree. It really opened my eyes to the international world. The year abroad makes you stand out from other people. The student social life is very different to England, it’s more focused on town events such as music concerts and wine and beer festivals.’
Heather works as a Customer Account Administrator at Huntsman Pigments Division, Wilton, which involves working with foreign clients. Heather added: ‘My parents Peter and Catherine were over the moon that I started work so quickly - they were really pleased. I’m keen to develop my career in such a good company.’