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Bolt gala screening tops Animex’s Disney day

05 February 2009


Mark Empey, Computer Graphics supervisor at Disney Feature Animation has flown from Hollywood to present a gala screening of Bolt at Middlesbrough's Cineworld cinema.

Bolt, Disney's latest animated feature, is set to be one of the year's sure fire box office hits. It features the voice of John Travolta as the dog Bolt and has been Oscar nominated for best animated feature film.

International festival The gala screening is at 7.00pm on Friday 6 February. Mark will also close the week at Animex, our annual international festival of animation and computer games.

Animex celebrated its tenth anniversary this year with a focus on the Disney studio, climaxing this Friday with a special 'Disney day'.

Mark will speak to an audience of international delegates at the University in the afternoon, before introducing Bolt to the Cineworld audience. This screening is open to the general public. Bolt is the first film released by Disney since the studio acquired Pixar and will be networked across the UK following the gala screening.

Chris Williams, Animex Director, said: ‘It's a pleasure to welcome Mark as the keynote speaker at our tenth anniversary and his attendance is made extra special by his introduction at Bolt’s gala screening. Animex began in 2000 as a one-day event and is now a major international festival with five days of varied events.’

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