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Marc scores a role on the big screen

25 January 2010


A television production student can be seen on the big screen in a hit film based on the life of musician Ian Dury.

Marc Lambert-Clarke, 24, appears as a punk drummer in the Ian Dury biopic Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll. He completed filming while studying towards a BA (Hons) Media Production Professional Practice. Marc achieved the BA (Hons) degree and is now studying an MA Television Production. Marc landed his role in the film, which stars Andy Serkis as Ian Dury, after attending a film event and striking up conversation with producer and director Justin Edgar, who made the award-winning film Special People.

That meeting led to Marc being invited on set to shadow the film-makers, resulting in Marc appearing in the film and the credits for roles both on and off the screen.

The cameras are rolling He said: ‘My official role was to shadow Director of Photography Chris Ross, but I ended up in the film as during a break in scene takes, I decided to try my hand at drumming. The next thing I knew I was asked if I would mind playing the drums again, but while the camera was rolling.’

During the film Marc features as a drummer at a party at Ian Dury’s house. He also shot footage which was used in the film of Andy Serkis performing Dury’s 1981 single Spasticus Autisticus, which was banned by the BBC.

Marc added: ‘It was a fantastic experience and I had an awesome time during the filming. I’m in the film credits as the drummer at the house party and also as Second Bolex Cameraman for the footage I filmed during the Dury song.

‘It gave me brilliant experience of being able to see what I was learning during my degree being put into practice. It broadened my skills along with the amazing experience of being on a film set.’ Marc was invited to the film premiere in London and also attended a film event for charities supporting cancer and polio, which Ian Dury contracted as a child leading him to use callipers.

Increasing awareness He said: ‘Polio has been very much eradicated but it is still affecting people, young and old. This film has helped to increase the awareness of polio. There has been debate about people who are not disabled playing someone who has a disability, but Andy Serkis did an amazing job in his role.

‘I’ve used a wheelchair since I was a child and there are perceptions about someone who is disabled as people often judge others on what they can see. Working on this film there were none of these barriers.’ Marc, who aims to be a film director, was involved in producing a film during his degree about a fellow Teesside student which aimed to alter perceptions of disabled people. The film, Hidden Lives: Fighting Cerebral Palsy, focused on BSc (Hons) Crime and Investigation student Liam Twizell who was born with cerebral palsy, showing how he lives life to the full through his studies and passion for karate. Marc said of the documentary: ‘It was an issue close to my heart as there are many misconceptions about what disabled people can achieve.’

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