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Home sweet home?

14 May 2010


Is it ideal to strive for the perfect home? Professor Tony Chapman gave a funny and engaging lecture on the desire for a dream home.

Part of the 80th Anniversary Honorary & Professorial Public Lecture series, the lecture featured everything about homes down to garden gnomes.

The audience were in vigorous agreement as Professor Chapman spoke about how coloured garden gnomes populated countless suburban front gardens in the thirties and how the desire to have the dream home is sold to us through luxury show homes.

The idea of home, status and community changes over time. Having a decent home in a safe community should be regarded as a human right in an affluent society such as ours.

People worry about not owning property through fear of becoming the 'object' of other people’s control and social experiments.

It is ideal to strive for the perfect home? Yes, providing that we recognise that our home is bigger than the house we live in.

If you missed the lecture then catch it on video.

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