Pint of Science is a free, annual science festival that normally sees top researchers pop down to their local pub or café to share their scientific discoveries with members of the public.
The aim is to make cutting-edge scientific research accessible to all, through interesting and relevant discussions in a relaxing environment.
This year’s event will be slightly different due to COVID-19 restrictions, with all the sessions being delivered online via YouTube.
Four Teesside University academics have signed up to take part and between them they will present two very different and thought-provoking talks.
Professor Alamgir Hossain, Dr Philip Cosson, Dr Ben Lamb and Dr Helen Tidy, will share their specialist insights, and Professor Tim Thompson will be the host for both evenings.
The first discussion, titled ‘Digital Diagnostics for a Better Body’, on Tuesday 18 May, 6.00pm-7.00pm, will consider how we can harness artificial intelligence and the rapid developments in digital technology to improve healthcare in the future.
The second, ‘You’re Nicked: Catching the Criminals’, on Wednesday 19 May, 6.00pm-7.00pm, will explore how British police have been portrayed over the years on TV as well as providing a sneaky peek into the world of forensic science.
Pint of Science lets you dip into the world of science in a relaxed and fun manner - it’s all about learning about and questioning the world we live in.
Dr Helen Tidy, Principal Lecturer (Learning and Teaching), School of Health & Life Sciences is both a speaker and one of this year’s Middlesbrough Pint of Science coordinators.
Helen said: ‘Pint of Science lets you dip into the world of science in a relaxed and fun manner - it’s all about learning about and questioning the world we live in.
‘This year Teesside University has two great talks, one about how technology is used in healthcare while the other looks at crime drama and forensic science.
‘You can expect an hour of relaxed learning with plenty of opportunities to quiz our experts.’
Co-organisers, Dr Tidy and Dr Rhys Williams spoke to BBC Tees to promote Pint of Science and you can listen to what they had to say.
Pint of Science will take place online, between Monday 17 May - Thursday 20 May.
For more information, please visit and follow #pint21 on social media.