The Quality Assurance and Validation (QAV) team is responsible for a number of quality assurance functions within the University.
QAV works across the University to assure the maintenance of academic standards and to enhance the quality of learning opportunities for students through the effective operation of the University Continuous Monitoring & Enhancement process.
The team manages a consistent University model for curriculum portfolio management to drive the efficient and effective deployment of resource across the institution. The team also manages and maintains the University's Quality Framework, ensuring that it complies with appropriate external references and regulatory requirements.
Teesside University is committed to developing and maintaining productive partnerships with UK colleges, employers and overseas partners and through the team partners can access a range of support, services and events including a partnership SharePoint site. The site holds advice, guidance, useful templates and documents, links and announcements, and guidance on processes.
Access to the SharePoint site is through an associate account. If partnership colleagues would like an associate account, please contact