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Team Teesside

What does Team Teesside mean to you?

Team Teesside means something different to all of us, and here are some examples of words colleagues have used to describe what it means to them.

Special, Proud, Diverse, Collaborative, Positive, Social, Impactful, Happy, Responsive, Team work, Committed

Why not drop us a line and tell us what Team Teesside means to you?

Give us your suggestion

Putting our students first at Summer Graduation

Thousands of graduates celebrated their academic achievements at Summer Graduation 2022. The ceremonies were extremely successful, thanks to a remarkable team effort that exemplified our Team Teesside ethos.

To recognise this, we have produced a short video montage to celebrate you - the incredibly diverse, talented, and supportive people who always put our students first.

We hope you enjoy watching the video and spotting friends, colleagues and possibly even yourself, and that you feel inspired by what we achieved by working together.

To me, Team Teesside is all about community and respect. It doesn’t matter if you’re homegrown or from somewhere else, everyone feels welcome and part of a family here. It feels like being part of a team and as someone who wasn’t a local, I’m so glad it exists.

Kirsty-Louise Ferguson, HR Assistant , Human Resources

Team Teesside is about raising aspirations, widening access and giving individuals the tools needed to reach more meaningful careers, providing them and their families with a better future quality of life.

Luke Cumiskey, International Recruitment Assistant, Department for International Development

Team Teesside to me encompasses collaborative thinking and working. We've achieved so much already and it's exciting to see where we will go next.

Charlotte Murray, Project Coordinator (North East Uni Connect Programme), Student Recruitment & Marketing

I feel privileged to be a part of Team Teesside because it's a community like no other. You are working collectively to achieve a common goal which makes your work truly valued. There’s a sense of pride and belonging that comes with being part of Team Teesside.

Demi Falshaw, Student Adviser (Mental Health and Autism), Student & Library Services

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