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Statement on the Developing Situation in Ukraine

Our university is shocked and saddened by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the appalling decision of the Russian Government to invade the country.

Alongside our friends and partners, we strongly condemn this action and stand in solidarity with the brave people of Ukraine.

Our thoughts are with all of those affected by the conflict; Ukrainian citizens who are having to flee their homes or leave family behind, as well as Russian citizens who have been bravely taking a stand against the war.

The consequences of this action by the Russian Government will affect many across the higher education community. Teesside University expresses support for all staff and students at Ukrainian universities. We are working with our colleagues at Universities UK (UUK), as well as the UK Government, to offer support where we can.

We are proud of our diverse University community and know that we have staff and students from the areas involved in, and impacted by, this conflict. We are committed to providing a welcoming place of safety for all and we will continue to reach out to those students and colleagues directly affected.

The Home Office has confirmed that Ukrainians who are on work, study or visit visas in the UK will have their visas temporarily extended or be able to switch onto different visa routes. There is updated guidance on the government website.

As demonstrated during the pandemic, Teesside University always comes together in times of crisis, and I know that many students and staff have been looking for ways to help the people of Ukraine.

Charities and humanitarian aid agencies such as the British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal, CARE International UK and International Rescue Committee are all doing amazing work and there is information on their respective websites for those wishing to donate.

If you require any advice or support, please do not hesitate to contact our confidential colleague counselling service, Occupational Health team, or speak to your manager. Students are encouraged to contact the Student Wellbeing team.

Please do look after yourselves and each other during these troubling times and know that you have the full support of your university.

Professor Paul Croney OBE
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive.

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