Discover Uni is an official source of information about higher education. It is owned and operated by the UK higher education funding and regulatory bodies. It includes official statistics about higher education courses taken from national surveys and data collected from universities and colleges about all their students.
The data on Discover Uni are official statistics created for this purpose.
The National Student Survey (NSS) is an annual survey which allows final year students to provide feedback about their experience at university or college. The results are used by universities and colleges to improve the student experience, and can also help applicants to decide between courses.
The Graduate Outcomes (GO) survey collects information from students 15 months after they finish their course. It asks them what they are currently doing, how much they are earning, and their perceptions of work following their graduation from their course. Discover Uni use Graduate Outcomes data to compile the statistics in several sections on our course pages.
The Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) dataset uses government tax records to find earnings data for graduates. It does not rely on graduates responding to a survey. Because it is based on PAYE tax records it is more complete than self-reported survey data. Discover Uni do not publish LEO data for individual courses, this earnings data is always grouped into subject areas for two years' worth of graduates.