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Undergraduate study

Our students

Airen Sopany

BA (Hons) Fashion

The course has taught me new things about fashion that I was unaware of including fashion theories and histories.

Airen Sopany

Why Teesside?

From a young age I have always been interested in working in fashion, I loved making my own clothes and trying to make clothes that are unique to my style and personality.

I chose Teesside because I wanted to learn more and master my skills. The facilities and materials here are everything you need as a fashion student, and the campus is great.

Why fashion and textiles?

Lots of reasons. The staff are always helpful and available when you need help, especially during the pandemic. I’ve really enjoyed learning that there is more to fashion than sewing outfits, including fashion trends, forecasting and fashion culture. My favourite module is where I get to develop my skills in fashion illustration.

How are the facilities on campus?

The Library is great, as it’s such a relaxing environment, with quiet floors to study on your own, and a floor to work collaboratively when you have group work. Staff can help you with a range of issues too, I always go to them when I have a problem.

What is Middlesbrough like?

It’s a lovely town. I have felt welcomed by the community and it’s such a calm place to live and study.

Are you a member of any clubs or societies?

I have been a course rep since my second year and I have loved the experience. I get to speak to staff and my classmates about any problems or issues there might be, I really enjoy building relationships I wouldn’t have otherwise made.

What projects have you worked on?

In my first year we teamed up with local retailer Psyche to work on their Christmas window displays, with a sustainability theme. It was an exciting experience, getting to work with the company, classmates and University staff.

What skills have you gained at Teesside?

The course has taught me new things about fashion that I was unaware of including fashion theories and histories. I have improved my illustration and computer-aided design skills a and development creating my own designs.

Future ambitions?

I hope to build a career in the fashion industry as I’m interested in designing, sewing, and illustrating.

Would you recommend Teesside?

Yes, the staff and facilities are excellent, especially the fashion and textiles studios. The modules are expansive and cover a range of topics that your knowledge. The friends you make along the way stay with you, it is an amazing experience.

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