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Undergraduate study

Our students

Katie Mihalovics

MSci Chiropractic

Practical experience and placements were key components in my first year. I have also learnt the theory of patient-centred care – where everyone should be treated individually, putting the patient first.

Katie Mihalovics

Why university and Teesside?

I decided to build on my undergraduate degree. I’m a qualified exercise physiologist, personal trainer, and coach but I wanted to do more for people. I chose Teesside, because when I met the teaching staff at my interview, I really connected with them.

Why chiropractic?

I’ve always been a firm believer in natural healing, through chiropractic or naturopathy. I chose chiropractic because it offers more support and treatment to people. I’m fascinated that you can manipulate the spine to ease joint dysfunctions, which benefits the brain. Chiropractors work around muscles and treat people naturally, rather than prescribing medication which might not target the cause of the issue.

Best thing about your course?

There are a lot of practical components. We practice different techniques on each other, which is a great way to learn. We also do placements – I could ask questions about why a patient was treated a certain way and we learnt what to consider when talking to patients. It gave me an insight into what the future would look like as a chiropractor.

I particularly enjoyed the neuroanatomy module where I learnt about neural pathways. Viewing the brain in more depth was also very interesting and how information is processed.

What do you think about the campus?

The campus is very clean and modern. The library is spacious and quiet for studying undisturbed. Campus security staff are always around so the university feels very safe. They were very helpful guiding me where to go in my first year.

Any extracurricular activities?

I was a course representative during my first year. I met with staff and students and raised any questions and concerns. I also learnt about Peer Assisted Study Sessions which I could share with my cohort.

What experience have you gained to help you in your chosen career?

Practical experience and placements were key components in my first year. I now understand normal movement, certain stances and techniques. I have also learnt the theory of patient-centred care – where everyone should be treated individually, putting the patient first.

What are your ambitions for the future?

To open my own chiropractic clinic, including physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals. The history and the culture here is exquisite - I would like to stay in the UK or Europe.

Would you recommend Teesside?

Yes, this is new course that offers a modern approach to chiropractic. The classes are small, so I got to know my cohort well and I had a lot of support from the teaching staff.

What advice would you offer students?

Reach out to graduates and teaching staff before you start and get an understanding of the course.

Why did you choose to study in the UK?

I wanted to experience a different culture. I speak English so I didn’t have to worry about a language barrier compared to studying elsewhere in Europe. Also, I like the British accent and British movies, especially those with British and Scottish landscapes. I have grown as a person and become more independent. And I’ve definitely been drinking a lot more tea since I arrived here!

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