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Postgraduate study
Health Psychology

Health Psychology MSc

Health psychologists apply their knowledge of psychology and health to understand illness and promote health and wellbeing. They aim to enhance psychological and emotional outcomes for individuals who are ill or who have a disability, and develop healthcare policy and work to improve the healthcare system.


Course overview


A distinctive feature of this course is our commitment to authentic learning. Most of our assessments are linked to the type of work that practitioner health psychologists do on a day-to-day basis. For instance, you will have the opportunity to design a behaviour change infographic, develop and deliver a stress management intervention, write research proposals and write up your dissertation in the format of a journal article. This moves away from traditional exam-based assessments and allows you to showcase a wide range of skills.

Your teaching team are a strong core group of research and practice orientated staff covering a wide range of topics and research methodologies.

Increasingly we are beginning to see the benefits that psychology can bring to people’s health. A number of our esteemed colleagues in the UK were instrumental in forming the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic through participation in the SAGE committee. Studying for an MSc Health Psychology at Teesside enables you to become a part of a thriving community of psychology graduates who want to make a difference to people’s health.

The course has five core modules that aim to develop your knowledge of how psychology can be employed to facilitate and protect health, and develop your ability to effect change and suggest alternatives in healthcare provision.

You explore current issues in health psychology, and gain transferable and practical skills to facilitate progression in the field of health psychology. Supported by a research methods team with expertise in both quantitative and qualitative methods, you critically evaluate the nature and practice of research in health psychology, study research ethics and integrity and systematic reviewing, and develop skills in advanced research design and analysis.

You develop your writing and presentation skills that are transferable to practice, including conference presenting and writing for publication. Throughout the programme, you are encouraged to think critically and reflect upon your skills development. Emphasis is given to the study of clinical and professional skills and you are equipped with theoretical knowledge and practical skills to enable effective communication with patients and health professionals. You have the opportunity to practice assessment techniques and gain knowledge of interventions including mindfulness, guided imagery and cognitive behavioural therapy.

The programme has strong links to organisations providing a range of volunteering opportunities as well as external agencies, including the NHS and within the public health sector. In addition to working alongside academic staff to conduct health psychology research and evaluation.

Top reasons to study this course

> Study this course and you may be eligible for a £2,500 Sir Keith Skeoch postgraduate scholarship.

> Accredited degree which allows for progression to a Stage 2 qualification and Practitioner Health Psychologist status.

> Access to specialist equipment, such as our interaction lab.

> Undertake a dedicated piece of supervised health psychology research.

> You develop as an independent critical thinker, resilient and well prepared for your chosen career.

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Course details

Course structure

Core modules

Applications of Health Psychology Research

You consider the principles of evidence-based practice and develop research skills including systematic reviewing, research ethics and integrity, and project management. You will apply your learning from previous modules by conducting a self-initiated research project. You are allocated a supervisor who acts in a role as a consultant. The in-course assessment is a research proposal including mini systematic review of the literature. The end-course assessment is the write up of your final research project in the form of a research article.

Applications of Qualitative Methods in Psychology

You gain the requisite skills needed to analyse, conduct and assess qualitative research within the applied psychology setting. You will also gain an understanding of key theoretical approaches in designing qualitative research projects as well as practical experience in collecting and analysing qualitative data. The module aims to facilitate the development of a knowledge of and skills in using advanced qualitative research designs, specifically it will develop your knowledge and skills in qualitative research design and methods as applicable to applied psychology at MSc level. You will understand the relationship between theory and practice of interpretative approaches in psychological research, and explore different modes of investigation and analysis employed within these interpretative approaches.

Applied Quantitative Research Methods

You develop knowledge of and skills in using advanced research designs, including the use of quantitative analysis techniques. Specifically, you will develop additional knowledge and skills in research design and methods, appropriate statistical analysis, as applicable to applied psychology at MSc level. Quantitative analysis of advanced research designs includes effect size, power analysis, confidence intervals, multiple regression, logistic regression, factor analysis and reliability analysis, mediation analysis, moderation analysis.

Health Psychology in Practice

This module considers clinical and professional skills in health psychology. Key theories, concepts and current issues are discussed in relation to these skills. Collaborative working, leadership and teaching/training others, communication skills and professional development are considered in addition to the assessment of health and well-being needs and providing consultation and advice.

You consider the design and evaluation of interventions. The application of health-related behaviour models to psychological interventions will be a main focus. Key theories and concepts associated with specific components of this model are examined each week, before evaluating its application to specific clinical and health psychological interventions, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), mindfulness, stress management and motivational interviewing.

Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Issues in Health Psychology

Consider the history of health psychology and its relation to other disciplines, such as medical sociology and behavioural medicine. The examination and evaluation of the biopsychosocial model, and behaviour change techniques will be the main focus of the module. Key theories and concepts associated with specific components of this model will be explored, evaluating its application to specific health issues, such as stress and pain. You are also introduced to contemporary issues in health and illness which you to critically evaluate in terms of health psychology theories, methods and research.


Modules offered may vary.


How you learn

You learn by knowledge and skills acquisition through directive teaching, group discussions, independent exploration and examination of academic resources. You will work with project data, review professional practice scenarios, and will have an opportunity to network with previous graduates and Practitioner Health Psychologists.

The course is delivered by a team of experts with wide-ranging research, consulting and practice expertise. There are also contributions from practitioners working in the fields of research, consultancy, and NHS practice.

Staff areas of specialism include: cancer, alcohol, community engagement, digital interaction, weight management, neurological conditions, doctor-patient communications, service evaluations and psychosocial interventions. The team has close links with the Psychology Research Unit within the Kerslake Institute and with AskFuse, The Centre for Translational Research in Public Health.

How you are assessed

A range of assessment methods are used, from traditional essays to a critical review, social media presentation, and a video of you conducting a role play stress management intervention. You will develop a research proposal including a mini systematic review and will reflect on your skills and development. Your final research project is written in the style of a research article.
Previous students have conducted their final project research on topics including:
• An online resource to reduce alcohol consumption
• Quality of life and the utility of a guided imagery intervention for individuals with motor neurone disease
• Subject and neural indicators of health-related anxiety as a consequence of using the internet
• Experiences of being a mother with epilepsy
• The effectiveness of weight loss management groups
• Stress management
• Chronic disease


Entry requirements

Applicants should have at least a second-class honours degree in psychology and the Graduate Basis for Chartership as recognised by the BPS. Applicants with other degrees are invited to call the admission enquiries number to discuss possible additional requirements for entry.

For general information please see our overview of entry requirements

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Career opportunities

After Stage 1, you can become a Chartered Psychologist by successfully completing Stage 2 training in Health Psychology. This will confer eligibility to apply for registration with the HCPC and use the protected title of ‘Health Psychologist’.

The course team includes experienced supervisors of the British Psychological Society Qualification in Health Psychology (QHP Stage 2). The MSc programme additionally provides you with the skills to pursue a PhD and the course team have the expertise to supervise a broad range of health psychology topics.

Following the MSc, our students frequently progress to a PhD, undertake the QHP Stage 2 and obtain posts within academia, the NHS, and public health services.

BPS - Careers


Information for international applicants


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Professional accreditation

British Psychological Society

The course is accredited by the British Psychological Society and provides Stage 1 practitioner training, a pre-requisite for Stage II training in Health Psychology and Chartered Psychologist status.


2025-26 entry

Fee for UK applicants
£8,365 a year

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Fee for international applicants
£17,000 a year

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2025-26 entry

Fee for UK applicants
£930 for each 20 credits

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  • Student and graduate profiles

    Lynda McPherson

    Lynda McPhersonBSc (Hons) Psychology and Counselling/MSc Health Psychology

    I have had such amazing experiences during my time here. The teaching has been outstanding, it’s been incredible.

    Meet Lynda

    Nicole Beddard

    Nicole BeddardMSc Health Psychology and Clinical Skills

    Senior Psychology Technician, Teesside University

    Meet Nicole


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