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Postgraduate study

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Joshua Brown

MSc Environmental Management (with Advanced Practice)

Since completing his MSc at Teesside, Joshua joined RPS as a seasonal assistant ecologist, before progressing to a permanent role and being promoted to ecologist.

This course provided me with the opportunity to design and conduct field work, giving me real hands-on experience. This was noted during my interview for RPS.

Joshua Brown

Why Teesside and why environmental management?

Teesside offered the opportunity to study a subject I was interested in, with a placement in industry. They also have strong links within the environmental sector.

How did this course help prepare you for your career?

I was able to design and conduct field work, giving me real hands-on experience. This was noted during my interview for RPS. The course also included writing hypothetical environmental impact assessments, which I’m regularly involved with now. During the course I also had the opportunity to join a consultancy specialising in flood risk. This gave me a valuable insight into how a consultancy operates and to form links with other professionals.

Tell us about your career since graduating

Before my MSc, I was a secondary school science teacher working in the Falkland Islands. After completing this course, I joined RPS as a seasonal assistant ecologist, before progressing to a permanent role and being promoted.

Tell us about your current role

I am an ecologist at RPS. My role is split between terrestrial ecology and ornithology. Day-to-day I’m involved in conducting protected species and habitat surveys, and writing chapters for environmental impact assessments and application documents for projects ranging from small scale residential development to large offshore wind and carbon capture schemes. I have been lucky enough to work across the country from the Cairngorms to Oxfordshire, conducting surveys for badgers, otters, water voles, bats, and a variety of bird species. I am currently involved in tree climbing surveys for bats in North Wales.

Ambitions for the future?

I am happy in my current role, gaining experience of a range of protected species surveys and working towards species licenses. In the future, I would possibly like to pursue a PhD within conservation, and set up my own independent ecological consultancy, specialising in ornithology and tree climbing surveys.

Best part about studying at Teesside?

The opportunity to carry out my research project alongside the RPSB at Saltholme. I learned a lot and contributed to their goals in a meaningful way.

Would you recommend Teesside?

Yes. The support from the environmental lecturers was excellent.

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