Neil's time at Teesside has led to his first job in journalism
The careers advice and guidance from my tutors regarding creating my CV and application letters has been significant in gaining interviews.
The University’s media department has a good reputation and the course is accredited by the National Council for the Training of Journalists, which is vital for a job in the written media.
I really enjoyed the practical aspect of the course and the opportunity to get out and actually ‘do the job’ in putting together a portfolio of published work on a wide range of stories. I used professional equipment that developed new skills in story production, which enabled me to incorporate an array of multimedia content.
Having worked in education for over a decade, the course at Teesside gave me the opportunity to turn the idea of a career change into reality. As well as developing my knowledge of essential areas such as media law and ethics, the course also developed my practical skills of news story construction and the production and editing of multimedia content. The production of a range of media content enabled me to promote my capabilities with a ready-made portfolio to present at interview. I also developed my professional skills with work placements at publications such as the Times Education Higher supplement and the i newspaper. Seeing my work published nationally gave me the confidence to make a success in my new career.
Since graduating I have combined some supply teaching with freelance work for the Times Education Higher supplement and Scotland Outdoors magazine.
The careers advice and guidance from my tutors regarding creating my CV and application letters has been significant in gaining interviews. Even after graduating, the staff at the University have been on hand to offer advice and support relating to interview preparation. I applied for two jobs and got the second one I applied for. My current role is Education Correspondent at The News in Portsmouth, it’s predominantly a specialist reporters role covering educational issues in the Portsmouth and Hampshire area.
Having attained the position of education correspondent on a regional publication, I would like to develop my role as a specialist reporter and educational correspondent.
Embarking on a new career is always a daunting prospect. The opportunities and guidance I received has led to my ideal first job in journalism, my course definitely offered value for money. I could not have succeeded in doing this without the help and support I received.