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Undergraduate study
Engineering & Construction

Manufacturing Engineer Degree Apprenticeship

This degree apprenticeship is suitable for learners who are in employment and as the employer, you should be willing to support their professional development as a manufacturing engineer.


Professional apprenticeship
Linked Level 6 University award: BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering

  • Study at the top North East uni for student experience (Teaching Excellence Framework 2023).

Course overview


Successful completion of this programme includes the award BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering. Apprentices can seek guidance from your training manager to see if this is the right route for them and if you as the employer is prepared to support them.

Please refer to the manufacturing engineer degree apprenticeship standard for further information. If the learner is seeking to study part-time financed by other means (self-funded or using a student loan) see the course information page for BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering for a link to an online application form for part-time study.

Please note, we can only respond to enquiries from employers, or individuals with agreement from their employer to undertake an apprenticeship.

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Course details

Course structure

Level 4 modules

Electrical Principles (AC/DC)

This module will introduce you to the fundamentals of electrical circuit theory and how to apply it to analyse simple electric circuits. The module will also introduce you to electromagnetic energy conversion and AC power.

The module is taught with lectures, seminars and related practical work. Your lectures will provide an explanation of principles and discussion of applications. Practical sessions will provide you an opportunity to develop practical skills through the use of laboratory setups that reinforce the lecture material.

Engineering Mathematics

This module introduces the range of mathematical skills that are relevant to an engineering degree. You revisit and develop your knowledge of the fundamentals of algebra, trigonometry and basic statistics. The central ideas of vectors, matrices, complex numbers, and differential and integral calculus are also examined.

Throughout the module you develop a range of mathematical skills and techniques fundamental to the solution of engineering problems. You also advance your skills in selecting and applying mathematical techniques.

This module is delivered through a combination of lectures and tutorial sessions.

Materials and Sustainability

You look at engineering materials in lab-based practical sessions. Fundamental relationships between processing, structure, properties and performance are explored to highlight factors which influence the suitability of materials for various engineering applications.

Mechanical Engineering Practice

You develop and enhance the practical, professional and mechanical engineering skills necessary for success in both the academic and work environment. This practically-focused module enables you to develop your knowledge, confidence and practical skills. You also look at creating an engineered design and the organisational issues of controlling a project.

Structural Mechanics

This module introduces common types of structure used in engineering, assesses the types of loads they must resist and provides you with the analytical skills necessary to design the components that make up the structure.

Specific areas of study include: basic concepts of force, stress and strain; properties of materials and sections; analysis of frames, beams and columns; equilibrium conditions and statical determinacy; beam bending movement, shear force and deflection; and lightweight cables.

Lectures will introduce each major topic on the module with tutorials used to practise calculations. Laboratory practicals are used to investigate the properties of construction materials and develop a deeper understanding of structural theory.

The module is assessed by in-course assignment and an examination, comprising calculations and short answer questions on the module indicative content.


This module introduces the student to the basic principles of fluid mechanics, properties of fluids, hydrostatics, continuity equation, Bernoulli's equation, flow measurements, real flow in pipes, friction losses and momentum equation. It deals with the transfer of heat, energy for solids, liquids and gases. It explores the various mechanisms for this heat transfer and laws of thermodynamics, quantifies these mechanisms and applies them to mechanical systems, principally engines and compressors.


Level 5 modules

Aeroengines and Rocket Science

You look at the fundamental thermodynamics and operational characteristics of a range of engines and their components including gas turbines, jet engines, turbofans, turboshaft engines, ramjets, scramjets and rockets (which are used in aerospace applications) and torque power producing gas turbines (used in industrial and marine applications).

You explore the fundamental thermodynamics of engine operation, the equation for thrust calculations, Mach number, stagnation properties, shock waves, steady one dimensional flow, and analyses of flows through convergent and convergent-divergent nozzles. You learn how to calculate the performance and efficiencies of the engine and its components.

Components include burners and afterburners, compressors, turbine and nozzles. You also look at the calculation and analyses of flows through compressor and turbine blading stages, and fundamentals of rocket propulsion, trajectory analysis, and performance of solid and liquid rocket engines.

You attend a series of keynote lectures as well as problem-solving tutorials and practical investigations.

Applied Mathematical Methods

You develop mathematical knowledge in differential equations and numerical methods and extend your base of techniques to solve a variety of problems which arise in engineering domains. The emphasis is on developing competence in the identification of the most appropriate method to solve a given problem and its subsequent application.

Group Design and Build Project

This is a group project module which is part of the group project theme running through the engineering programmes.
This module will provide you with the opportunity to work in teams in order to solve industrially relevant design problems. In the course of this module, you will develop employability skills such as project management, presentation of work, research and commercial awareness, all of which support problem solving in a technical context.

You learn to use theoretical principles in the practice of creating an engineered design item, through group working activities. A problem based learning approach is adopted and where appropriate, supporting lectures/ seminars will be delivered to include technical knowledge or skills development.

You are assessed through two in-course assignments.

Manufacturing Processes

This module provides you with an insight into current manufacturing processes, promoting a deep understanding of technological factors and an awareness of working principles and capabilities. Traditional methods, such as casting and rolling are examined, together with state-of-the-art practices, such as powder metallurgy. You combine a detailed study of selected manufacturing processes with hands-on experience in laboratory-based practical sessions.

You review important aspects of current thinking, such as quality, reliability, sustainability, lean manufacturing and the extensive use of computers in many areas, to ensure an informed picture of modern manufacturing. You also explore the suitability of manufacturing processes for applications, using a framework that recognises the interrelationships of (manufacturing) process, (artefact) function, shape, and materials.

Mechanics of Materials 1

Mechanics of Materials is a branch of mechanics that studies the relationships between the external loads applied to a deformable body and the intensity of internal forces acting within the body. The subject also involves calculating the deformations of the body, and it provided a study of the body’s stability when the body is subjected to external loadings.

This module examines the essential theories and fundamental principles of mechanics of materials, and develops your knowledge, skills, and ability to apply them in mechanical analysis and design.

Product and Assembly Design Modelling

In this module, you develop your skills and knowledge in applying 3-D solid modelling and surface modelling to product design, using industry standard software. You gain a thorough understanding of computer modeling, and how to apply these skills to design engineering components and products.

You model parts with flat and cylindrical type surfaces, as well as those with more complex curved surfaces. The ability to obtain the mass and other properties of models and create orthographic drawings from 3D models will be covered.

You gain a thorough understanding of both static and dynamic hierarchical assemblies and their value to industry, and learn how to produce ‘Bill of Materials’, undertake clearance and interference checks on mating parts, and Tolerance Analysis.

You acquire the ability to animate dynamic assemblies; you create joints and mechanisms to solve for kinematic motions, and you learn how to structure the models effectively and modify them as appropriate.


Level 6 modules

Computer Aided Analysis

Today engineers use computers and software in the engineering design and simulation of most of the products, processes and systems that make up our lifestyles. In this module your knowledge of advanced techniques is developed for the computer-based analysis of designs and to use commercial software to solve more complex engineering problems. You gain a thorough understanding of computer methods for the analysis of detailed design and are introduced to the finite element analysis (FEA) nodes, elements and meshing techniques. Types of boundary conditions such as loads and constraints are explained including how to apply them. You learn how to solve FEA problems and analyse the results. Advanced techniques utilising adaptive and optimisation methods for solving complex engineering problems is also covered.

Dynamics and Vibration

Engineers design, develop, construct and test devices and systems which operate on basic principles of dynamics and vibration. The development of reliable systems depends on the engineer’s understanding of the response of the system to externally applied loads. The system’s response can be predicted using models that may be analytical, numerical or mathematical in nature. The analysis of physical systems to predict their responses to loads is fundamental to the study of engineering mechanics. Dynamics is a branch of mechanics that studies the properties and behaviours of objects in motion.

Mechanics of Materials 2

This module will develop the advanced theory and the principles of mechanics of materials and apply them to the analysis of realistic engineering problems. Specific areas of study include: stress concentrations, inelastic deformation and residual stress under axial loading, torsion, and bending as well as transverse shear. Further studies will include introduction to failure theory, design of beams and shafts, deflection of beams and shafts, design of column; thick-walled cylinder and interference fits.

Lectures will introduce each major topic on the module emphasising both the conceptual and theoretical development as well as their applications to realistic engineering problems. Worked examples will be used in the study. Seminars will be utilised primarily for students to practice and to provide feedback.


This module extends the development of independent learning skills by allowing you to investigate an area of engineering or technology for an extended period.

You receive training in writing technical reports for knowledgeable readers and you produce a report or dissertation of the work covered. In addition, you give an oral presentation, a poster presentation or both. The topic can be in the form of a research project or a design project.

You develop key skills in research, knowledge application and creation through keynote lectures where appropriate and self-managed independent study. Support is provided through regular tutorial sessions.

Sustainable Systems and Industry 4.0

The emergence of Industry 4.0, often referred to as the fourth industrial revolution, has been attributed to advancing automation, decentralisation and system integration and cloud computing. In the cyber-physical environment, machines can communicate, collect information, and make informed decisions through artificial intelligence (AI), big data and industrial internet of things (IIoT). The evolution of Industry 4.0 has great potential to improve the energy, equipment, and human behaviour. At the same time, in the era of the so-called circular economy, industry across all sectors is under huge pressure to make their manufacturing operations ethical and sustainable. Therefore, we must learn to adopt or implement the latest Industry 4.0 technologies.

The term sustainability has a multi-disciplinary use and meaning. As future engineers you will learn sustainability is represented as the synergy between environment, economics, and society. In this module students specialising in Sustainable Systems and Industry 4.0 will focus their studies and deepen their knowledge in a range of sustainability themes such as energy management and power systems, sustainable water and wastewater systems, sustainable transportation technologies, transitions to sustainable food systems and mechanical manufacturing systems.

The subjects will be taught through a combination of lectures and seminars. Lectures will develop key concepts and knowledge. Seminars will allow more focused examinations of important issues and approaches


Modules offered may vary.


How you learn

The apprenticeship includes work-based elements and blended (on campus and online) learning.

Attendance is typically one day a week on campus. Online learning may be real-time or recorded. Real-time is preferred but recordings provided added flexibility for apprentices who may occasionally need to manage work commitments.

The University programmes provide a number of contact teaching and assessment hours (such as lectures, tutorials, lab work, projects, examinations), but the apprentice is also expected to undergo self-study time – to review lecture notes, prepare coursework assignments, work on projects and revise for assessments.

How you are assessed

The apprentice's learning involves different types of assessment including coursework assignments and exams.

The apprentice is provided with programme and module guides containing comprehensive information about their assessments. Assessment schedules allow them to manage their time more effectively and prepare for submission.

Our virtual learning environment plays a key role in the submission of coursework and assessment with some modules using online tests, blogs, journals and portfolios to support blended learning.

In addition to the on-programme assessment, completion of the apprenticeship is by end-point assessment which looks holistically at the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSBs) developed to determine if the requirements of the Standard have been met.

Please refer to the manufacturing engineer degree apprenticeship assessment plan

Our Disability Services team provide an inclusive and empowering learning environment and have specialist staff to support disabled students access any additional tailored resources needed. If you have a specific learning difficulty, mental health condition, autism, sensory impairment, chronic health condition or any other disability please contact a Disability Services as early as possible.
Find out more about our disability services


Entry requirements

How to apply

To be accepted on to a degree apprenticeship course you must have support from your employer and meet the course entry requirements.

Expressions of interest can be submitted to

We will discuss eligibility with the apprentice and and you as the employer and send a link to an online application form.

Entry requirements

To be accepted on to a degree apprenticeship course you must have support from your employer and meet the course entry requirements.

96 points from any combination of acceptable Level 3 qualifications, including maths.
Find out how many points your qualifications are worth by using the UCAS Tariff calculator

Before starting their Teesside University apprenticeship, learners must hold Level 2 qualifications in English and maths. Find out more.

Accredited prior learning
Admission with advanced standing can be considered if the apprentice has studied at level 4 or higher, for example a HNC in a relevant subject.

You can gain considerable knowledge from work, volunteering and life. Under recognition of prior learning (RPL) you may be awarded credit for this which can be credited towards the course you want to study.
Find out more about RPL



Career opportunities

Degree apprenticeships combine work with studying for a work-based higher-education-level qualification. The apprentice should already be in employment.

They gain technical knowledge and practical experience by combining on-the-job training with flexible study towards a higher education qualification.

Benefits for employers and apprentices

  • increasing future productivity
  • keeping the business up-to-date with the latest knowledge and innovative practice
  • delivering on-the-job training to employees tailored to business needs
  • apprentices can tackle skills shortages by filling higher level skill gaps
  • develop and retain existing staff by offering support and a fresh perspective
  • improve career prospects of employees.


Professional accreditation

Engineering Council and The Instituion of Engineering and Technology accredited programme

The BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering degree, which underpins this apprenticeship, is accredited by The Institution of Engineering and Technology on behalf of the Engineering Council for meeting the requirement for registration as an incorporated engineer and partly meeting the academic requirement for registration as a chartered engineer.

Professional apprenticeship

An apprenticeship combines vocational work-based learning with study for a university degree. Designed in partnership with employers, apprenticeships offer it all - a higher education qualification, a salary, and invaluable practical experience and employment skills.

Find out more


  • Not available full-time


2025-26 entry

Fee for UK applicants

More about our fees

  • Length: 4-6 years +6 months EPA
  • Attendance: 1 day a week or blended
  • Start date: September

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