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Undergraduate study
practical law, fda law, fda law and practice

Law and Practice FdA

The FdA Law and Practice is an excellent foundation of practical skills necessary to embark on a career in law and legal services.


M105 FdA/LP

  • Study at the top North East uni for student experience (Teaching Excellence Framework 2023).

Course overview

You learn how to deal with current legal issues in a practical setting across a wide variety of legal areas including, but not limited to, criminal law and litigation, dispute resolution, property and private client and human rights. On successful completion of the FdA you are eligible to enrol on the final year of the LLB (Hons) Law at Teesside University.

Course modules include legal institutions and systems, tortious rights and responsibilities, criminal law and litigation, contractual agreements and responsibilities and more. You gain practical legal experience on modules such as dispute resolution and conveyancing, and legal skills such as client care, legal research, mooting and debating. In your second year, optional modules include wills and probate, business and employment law and family law and practice, giving you an opportunity to focus on a specific area of interest.

This is an award of Teesside University delivered in partnership with Bede Sixth Form College.

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Course details

Course structure

Year 1 core modules

Constitutional and Administrative Law

You explore public law and the constitutional make-up of the UK, including the organs of government and how constitutional limitations exist and the ways these can be challenged. You also look at the protections afforded to individuals within the UK and how laws can be challenged through judicial review.

Contractual Agreements and Responsibilities

You gain a fundamental knowledge of the law of contract and how it underpins commercial, professional and individual relationships. You explore the ways that contracts are formed and what the contents of a contract are, ways a contract may be breached and what remedies are available to an affected party.

Criminal Law and Litigation

Key areas in criminal law and how offenders are dealt with through the criminal justice system are considered. You explore the steps of advising a client at the police station through to preparing a client’s defence as the case progresses. You also consider the roles of some of the key stakeholders within the criminal justice system and how they impact on the sequence of procedure.

Dispute Resolution

How civil disputes are resolved through the litigation process are considered in this module. All stages of the litigation process will be covered including pre-action considerations, matters leading up to trial and matters which arise after trial. You also see how professional standards are measured and applied within the role of a litigator.

Legal Institutions and Systems

You gain a foundation and fundamental knowledge of key elements of the English legal system and the constitution. You explore the differences between civil and criminal law and the differences between common law and equity. There will be a focus on the creation of law and reviewing the roles of the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. You are introduced to the framework for protecting civil liberties, human rights and equality in the UK.

Tortious Rights and Responsibilities

The law of tort, the context it operates in and the relationships that it affects are studied in this module. You explore how and when duties arise, how common law and statutory duties are breached and how those breaches give rise to a cause of action. You consider the range of remedies available to affected parties and what defences can be raised to guard against liability.


Year 2 core modules

Land and Conveyancing

Essential knowledge of conveyancing and how the law relating to land applies in practice are explored. You focus on key elements of land law and practice including third party rights in registered and unregistered land and how these rights may affect a buyer of land. You review issues relating to long residential leases and the impact this can have on the sale of property.

Practical Legal Skills

You gain the necessary professional and legal skills required to work in the legal sector. There is a focus on professional conduct and how to carry out effective legal research, and you develop skills in mooting and debating.

Trusteeship, Rights and Responsibilities

You focus on the concept of trusts and how they are created, how they are run and how disputes are dealt with and resolved. You identify the different types of trust property and discuss the relationships between the trustee and the beneficiary and what the roles and responsibilities of the trustee are.


and two optional modules

Business and Employment Practice

Common business structures, how they are formed, how they operate within the legal framework and how they may come to an end through insolvency are explored in this module. You also consider the key issues that can arise in an employer/employee relationship, what employment rights are and how disputes can occur and be resolved when employment has been terminated.

Family Law and Litigation

You focus on family law and procedure when dealing with family disputes, the formation and breakdown of adult relationships, matters involving children and protection of those who suffer domestic abuse.

Wills, Succession and Probate Practice

Wills and succession, the procedure of dealing with probate matters, drafting a will and considerations relating to mental capacity and other risk management operations are explored. The module will also cover the rules of intestacy and how to deal with a deceased’s estate when there is no valid will.


Modules offered may vary.


How you learn

The learning and teaching methods reflect the aims and key priority areas of the Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy (LTSES). A variety of learning and teaching methods are employed to enable you to become a confident, critical, adaptable, articulate and aspiring legal practitioner.

Theory sessions including presentations from guest speakers, deliver relevant subject specific content. Subjects are explored in-depth in tutor or student-led classroom tasks, and contributions to forum discussions further develop your understanding of the subject material, cognitive/intellectual skills.

The majority of modules incorporate theoretical taught material. Your knowledge of the subjects is developed through these formal lectures and tutorial sessions.

Development of transferable skills and lifelong learning are core themes throughout. The management of own learning and self-development is addressed primarily in the completion of in-course assessments. Work-based projects give you the opportunity to demonstrate and showcase the skills gained during the course.

Group work will be a feature of the programme and is used in a number of modules to reflect industry practice. As well as developing cohort identity, you will improve your interpersonal skills.

Blended learning combines face-to-face learning with online activities to enhance the learning experience and support a wide range of learning styles. All modules have an online presence via the college VLE allowing you to continue to engage with the learning resources and work collaboratively, both with peers and tutors through discussions and group areas outside of timetabled sessions. Each module site on the VLE also has links to electronic library resources and services.

Flipped learning will also be utilised. You are provided with teaching materials a week in advance of the session, which enables you to go through the theory in preparation for the seminar sessions. You take part in Q&A activities following this process.

Throughout the programme, there is a strong commitment to academic excellence which involves students in discipline-based research. You develop your research and inquiry skills and techniques; learn about current and emerging laws and practices in the given areas; engage in discussions and undertake your own research and inquiry.

To complement the skills taught within the college, the Learning Resources Centre run workshops on a range of academic topics (such as report writing, reflective writing and referencing). They also offer one-to-one support sessions for students. This is in addition to the Succeed@Tees sessions available at Teesside University.

Outside of timetabled sessions, you are required to continue your exploration of the subject knowledge and skills development.

The programme will also include guest speakers, seminars and workshops by current legal practitioners. These will include workshop sessions where appropriate. Additionally, they provide you with a network of contacts you may wish to utilise once your learning has ended.

The department works with the college’s Learning Resources Centre and Student Services to offer a holistic and inclusive service for all students. Learning advisers and librarians offer a range of support to help you achieve your potential in your coursework, particularly with study skills and writing, via including drop-in, one-to-one tutorials and workshops.

How you are assessed

Formative and summative feedback helps support your development and progression.

Formative assessment and feedback sessions are scheduled within modules throughout the entirety of the course. This allows you to identify areas for improvement and receive required support.

Summative assessments are designed to map over to industry and professional practices. Where a module is research and theory-based, a mixture of written assignments, examinations and oral presentations will be used to assess the depth and breadth of your knowledge. Where a module is practice-based, a mixture of portfolio work, oral presentations and group work will be used to assess your knowledge, skills and behaviours.

Our Disability Services team provide an inclusive and empowering learning environment and have specialist staff to support disabled students access any additional tailored resources needed. If you have a specific learning difficulty, mental health condition, autism, sensory impairment, chronic health condition or any other disability please contact a Disability Services as early as possible.
Find out more about our disability services

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Find out more about our course related costs


Entry requirements

Entry requirements

This course offers a bespoke progression route to students who have completed a level 3 study programme or who have relevant industry experience and wish to gain a qualification.

40–48 points from any combination of level 3 qualifications, or equivalent, and level 2 in English and maths. We also accept substantial work experience or volunteering in the legal sector, or other sector related to the course.

For general information please see our overview of entry requirements

You can gain considerable knowledge from work, volunteering and life. Under recognition of prior learning (RPL) you may be awarded credit for this which can be credited towards the course you want to study.
Find out more about RPL



Entry to 2025-26 academic year

Fee for UK applicants
£6,340 a year

* Subject to passing of legislation expected in early 2025.

More details about our fees

What is included in your tuition fee?

  • Length: 2 years
  • UCAS code: M105 FdA/LP
  • Start date: September
  • Semester dates
  • Typical offer: 40-48 points

Apply online (full-time) through UCAS



2025-26 entry

Fee for UK applicants
£4,020 (120 credits)

* Subject to passing of legislation expected in early 2025.

More details about our fees

Apply online (part-time)


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Teesside University Law School

At Teesside University Law School we have over 30 years' experience of delivering high-quality education in the field of law and criminal justice.

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