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Information Governance

Publication Scheme

Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA 2000) requires every public authority to create and maintain a publication scheme.

A publication scheme sets out a public authority's commitment to make certain information routinely available, such as financial information and policies and procedures.

Teesside University has adopted the Model Publication Scheme developed by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

The information in this scheme is structured according to the 7 sections of the Model Publication Scheme.

Who We Are and What We Do

This section provides organisational information about the structure of the University, its activities and partnerships.

Organisation of the University

Other information


A list of our Collaborative Partner institutions can be found here:

Other business information can be found here:

Student Activities


What We Spend and How we Spend It

This part of the Publication Scheme provides financial information related to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurements and contracts.

Information as to research income can be found in our Annual Report and Financial Statements which can be found here

Pay levels for senior staff are published in bands in our Annual Report and Financial Statements which can be found here

Please note:

*Expenses of the Vice Chancellor are available on request
*Our register of suppliers is available on request
*Annual expenditure over 25k is available on request.


What Our Priorities Are and How We Are Doing

This section provides information as to the University's mission and values, strategy, statistics and corporate relations.



The Independent Auditor's report to the Board of Governors is published in the Annual Report and Financial Statement which can be found here

Mission and values and corporate strategy

Learning and teaching strategy

Corporate relations


How We Make Decisions

This section provides information as to how Teesside University makes and records its decisions.

*Committee minutes available on request by contacting the University Secretary as outlined in Articles of Government.

*Terms of reference of all Boards and Committees and Committee paper is available on request.


Lists and Registers

This section provides information as to the University's currently maintained lists and registers.

*Information as to gifts and hospitality of senior staff is available on request.

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