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Undergraduate study
biology degree, degree in biology, bsc biology

Biology BSc (Hons)

Biology touches all areas of our life, from the microscopic working of our cells to immune evasion strategies of bacteria. This degree draws on recent technological and theoretical advances in biosciences. You select a specific pathway, allowing you to align your degree studies to your individual interests and career aspirations.


C100 BSc/BioS

Course routes:


Course overview

Foundation year Work placement


Introducing Bios, our £36.9m facility for science and clinical subjects. It houses four floors of high-quality facilities, including cutting-edge super labs, immersive simulation suites, and replicas of both home and hospital settings.

You complete a core biology-based curriculum followed by a specialist pathway which leads to one of three awards:

  • BSc (Hons) Biology
  • BSc (Hons) Biology (Animal Science)
  • BSc (Hons) Biology (Human Biology).

The course and pathways have been specifically designed for those with an interest in biology and its contribution to solving global challenges. You are prepared for a broad range of careers within industrial, commercial, government and environmental settings and postgraduate study. You learn how understanding genetic, cellular, organism, ecological and evolutionary biology can be employed to benefit humankind as well as animal species.

We draw on our local biotechnology industry and links with national experts to enhance your learning, ensuring you develop comprehensive knowledge and skills relevant to current industry and employer requirements. You complete a major research project in the final year, which is often linked to industrially significant applications.

Top reasons to study this course:
  1. Specialise: choose your own pathway, allowing you to specialise in your preferred area. Key themes include molecular biology and cell biology, human biology and health, animal and ecological sciences.
  2. Contemporary facilities: learn in our £36.9m state-of-the-art Bios facility, featuring cutting-edge laboratories, providing valuable learning experiences.
  3. Opportunities: work at the £22m purpose-built National Horizons Centre at the University’s Darlington campus, a focal point for the growing regional biosciences community.
  4. Financial support: study this course and you may be eligible to apply for a scholarship with Cleveland Scientific Institution.

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Course details

Course structure

Year 1 core modules

Anatomy and Physiology

Gain basic knowledge of human anatomy and an understanding of the mechanisms associated with control and regulation of the physiological processes of the major organ system. Homeostasis is the key theme throughout the module, as you explore interrelationships between human functions and the organisational hierarchy to develop and increase your understanding of how the body functions. You also study the construction of biological profiles for human identification including sex, age at death, stature determination and biological affinity. This knowledge is used in the context of identification and recovery of human remains, the regulatory aspect of handing human remains and ethical issues related to human tissue research.

This is a 20-credit module.

Animal and Plant Biology

You focus on multicellular organisms such as animals and plants to introduce physiology, population biology, ecology and the complexity of ecosystems. You develop these themes with discussion, problem solving and quantitative techniques. You think about the relevance of the biological processes introduced to our human societies. You take part in first-hand experience of animal and plant biological surveying in the natural environment.

This is a 20-credit module.

Biochemistry and Chemical Science

Study the key principles of biochemistry, including the structure of the atom, chemical bonding and the forces that operate between molecules, chemical reactions and biological pathways. Investigate the chemistry of carbon and why this element is capable of forming the complex three-dimensional molecules that make life possible. Crucial groups of biological molecules are studied in detail, including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

This is a 20-credit module.

Biodiversity and Evolution

Examine the complex biodiversity and ecology of the microbial, plant and animal worlds and the importance of their conservation. Address the process of evolution and how it has led to the diversity of life and the world we now inhabit. Explore how evolution by natural selection has been studied and how the use of modern molecular techniques has enabled new discoveries, such as the domain of archaea. You are introduced to the techniques used to measure and monitor biodiversity.

This is a 20-credit module.

Cell Biology

You increase your understanding of biological processes at the cellular level. You explore eukaryotic cell architecture and function with a molecular and mammalian focus. You learn about cell division, the cell cycle, genetic organisation of cells, DNA replication and gene expression.

This is a 20-credit module.


You are introduced to a range of microscopic organisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. You explore microbial cell structure and function, microbial growth, microbial diversity, and the importance of microbes in the environment, industry and human health.


Year 2 core modules


You gain an introduction to ethical issues central to biosciences. You understand the use of animals to advance knowledge of physiological processes for animal and human health and disease, and the development of new therapies. The 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) are introduced as a framework for the ethical use of animals in research. You explore ethical issues of human participation in research, including the use of stem cell-based technologies. Good practice in experimental design, sampling, and statistical analysis are discussed to mitigate ethical issues. You discuss and debate ethical issues sensitively, supported by evidence.

This is a 20-credit module.

Bioreactors and Fermentation

You develop a broad understanding of bioprocesses and selecting appropriate bioreactors for selective products. This includes bioreactions, principles of microbial fermentation with specific examples (medium constituents, choice of feedstock, media preparation), fermentation conditions (examples, types, mode of operation of fermenters) and design of bioreactors. You discuss fundamental products of fermentations and scaling up fermentation.

This is a 20-credit module.

Human Metabolism and Clinical Biochemistry

Gain an understanding of the human metabolism, endocrinology and clinical biochemistry. Examine metabolism, the chemical processes that occurs in living organisms, in the context of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, cellular respiration and metabolism of drugs. Discuss endocrinology and review the mechanisms underpinning hormone action, the roles of second messengers and endocrine system disorders. Enzyme kinetics and enzyme regulation is a significant topic. Explore the methods used for collecting, measuring and analysing clinical samples in the biomedical lab. Learn the principles and applications of clinical biochemistry investigations used in screening, diagnosing, treating and monitoring disease.

This is a 20-credit module.


You gain a solid foundation of the immune system and its role in protection against microorganisms and maintaining human health. You learn about the functional organisation of the immune system, the immune cells and chemical mediators, antibodies, and cellular processes related to the innate and adaptive immune responses.

This is a 20-credit module.

Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics

You are introduced to a range of modern molecular biology concepts and techniques. You address general molecular biology, molecular biology of genetic diseases, and using molecular biology for applications such as the production of recombinant proteins, and biomedical science forensics. The new age of molecular biology is underpinned by gene/genome sequencing, sequence analysis and sequence manipulation. You explore the principles of sequence analysis and how these techniques have revolutionised molecular biology. Particular attention is on the technique of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). You learn the bioinformatics concepts around visualising and analysing DNA sequence data, and basic molecular data analysis. You gain insight into the theoretical aspects of molecular biology and bioinformatics, and learn the basic techniques of modern molecular biology such as DNA purification, PCR, restriction digestion, and nucleic acid analysis through agarose gels and sequencing.

This is a 20-credit module.


Specialist modules

Animal Behaviour and Welfare (Animal Science pathway)

You are introduced to the study of animal behaviour and welfare. This encompasses evolutionary function, interactions of animals with their environment and each other, and a thorough understanding of how an environment can impact their wellbeing. You gain a comprehensive introduction to the scientific approach of studying, quantifying, and interpreting animal behaviour and welfare, including how human interaction can change behaviour and impact welfare. You focus on examples from literature, which illustrate important principles of animal behaviour, taking a mechanistic and a behavioural approach. You are encouraged to discuss the complex issues of animal welfare from a scientific, ethical, and practical perspective and become aware of the relationship between the animal and its environment. You design, conduct, analyse, and interpret animal behaviour and assess welfare. You select an animal species of your choice and discuss the influence of captivity on animal behaviour, including impacts to welfare.

This is a 20-credit module.

Clinical Pharmacology (Human Biology pathway)

You explore the nature of drugs as chemicals, which interact with cellular mechanisms at the molecular, systemic and behavioural level. You focus on the treatment and prevention of disease and understand the nature of adverse effects of drugs and other chemicals within living systems.

This is a 20-credit module.

Ecology and Biodiversity (Biology and Animal Science pathways)

You explore how complex interactions shape the distribution and abundance patterns of species in the natural environment. You examine the ecology of populations and communities, and how the integration of powerful new molecular biology technologies can inform the study of ecology and ecological interactions. You explore the underlying theories used to explain the observed spatial and temporal patterns of diversity and the measurements to quantify it. These topics are aligned to current issues, enabling you to appreciate the environmental, ethical and socio-economic concerns raised by ecological studies. By sampling natural environments, you develop your ecological fieldwork, laboratory and data interpretation skills.

This is a 20-credit module.

Life Course and Health (Human Biology pathway)

The life-course model is one of the most important ideas in public health. There are many influences on health and wellbeing, including social, environmental, and economic factors. Some help promote health, such as a healthy diet, education and income. Others, like smoking, alcohol misuse and poor education, have the opposite effect. The life-course approach looks at the critical stages of life, and the different influences on health. An evidence-based approach helps you understand key issues, from preconception to early years, adolescence, working life, into older age.

This is a 20-credit module.


Year 3 core modules

Biologics and Health Product Development

You develop the necessary entrepreneurship skills to understand the process of business start-up and introduce the necessary tools to manage nutrition, medical, biotech and the healthcare sector ventures. You gain awareness of the real-world challenges associated with the launch of a healthcare product from laboratory bench to the bedside. You learn to research the market for gaps, design a product to fill that unmet need and develop a business plan.

This is a 20-credit module.

Science Research Project

You complete an in-depth, independent investigation into a specialist aspect of your field of study. You bring together a range of practical and academic skills developed in previous years of study.?This process acts as a capstone experience requiring analysis, evaluation of data and critical reflection on the potential risks, moral and ethical issues. This involves significant individual contribution. You are supported by an academic staff member as your research supervisor, who acts as a mentor and guides you through. You communicate your independent research by producing a research poster and journal article, helping you develop essential skills which mirrors professional practice, for example at scientific conferences and for publication.

This is a 40-credit module.


Specialist modules

Biodiversity and Ecosystems (Animal Science pathway)

You explore key areas where biological-based technologies have the potential to offer more sustainable solutions to environmental problems. You consider the complementary and multi-disciplinary analytical techniques used to understand and ensure the sustainable management of different ecological systems.

This is a 20-credit module.

Biogeography and Conservation (Biology and Animal Science pathways)

You explore the biogeographical distribution of species and how this can inform conservation practices. Focusing on the distribution of species at a range of scales, biogeography provides an important theoretical framework where ecosystem services, and the increasing impact of human activity on global biodiversity and ecosystem functions, can be evaluated. You explore the contribution of habitat destruction, fragmentation and invasive species to biodiversity losses. You examine underlying principles in biogeography, including the historical development of the discipline, and investigate how they can inform effective conservation practices targeted at preventing biodiversity losses. You explore how endangered species are characterised, the selection and design of conservation areas, and the legal and policy frameworks to support conservation efforts. You understand the concepts and quantitative aspects of biogeography and conservation, and experience it direct in the natural environment.

This is a 20-credit module.

Bioinformatics and Genomics (Biology and Human Biology pathways)

Modern biology has become a data-driven science. The Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies started a new era in the study of genetics, revealing new insights into the pathophysiology that underpins living organism's behaviour. Massive data produced daily with low cost presents a significant challenge for data storage, analyses and management solutions. Bioinformatics is a relatively new field that aims to address these challenges by constructing novel software for the analysis, management and interpretation of the vast amounts of biological data. You cover the fundamental principles of genome analysis and bioinformatics. You learn how to access publicly available biological resources and how to retrieve information about genomic, proteomic and transcriptomic sequences. You use online and standalone tools to analyse big datasets and discover meaningful biological insights, learning how to display the results appropriately. You enhance your critical thinking by studying the literature and using scientific methodologies to interpret your findings. You complete practical exercises involving the analysis of predefined datasets.

This is a 20-credit module.

Human Ageing and Disease (Human Biology pathway)

You further your understanding of the molecular, cellular, and whole organism ageing processes. You address how ageing occurs by the accumulation of damage to molecules, cells, and tissues, resulting in a loss of function and increased risk of death. Ageing is a major risk factor for many diseases, including dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. You address advances in intervention mechanisms, which have contributed to the reduction of disease risk and development in an ageing population.

This is a 20-credit module.

Medical Microbiology (Biology and Human Biology pathways)

You explore how modern clinical microbiology can be used to detect, diagnose and control infectious diseases. You extend your understanding of the molecular basis of microbial pathogenesis, allowing you to explore how modern molecular biology techniques have been employed to define the nature of host-pathogen interactions.

This is a 20-credit module.

Trends in Animal Science (Animal Science pathway)

You are introduced to current trends associated with animal use in scientific research. Existing knowledge of the 3Rs and animal welfare is extended to further your understanding in the context of current areas of research and societal interest. You explore the legal requirements associated with research on living organisms, and appropriate housing and husbandry. Examples are drawn from a laboratory and farm environment, and beyond. Various career pathways linked to the use of animals in research are showcased.

This is a 20-credit module.


Modules offered may vary.


How you learn

This course aims to produce graduates who are competent in a range of knowledge, understanding, experience and practical skills appropriate to biological sciences.

You learn through a range of teaching and learning methods including:
• lectures
• tutorials
• seminars and workshops (including oral presentations and poster sessions)
• laboratory work
• computer laboratory-based sessions
• group projects
• research projects
• field trips.

The course provides a number of contact teaching and assessment hours, but you are also expected to spend self-study time to review lecture notes, prepare coursework assignments, work on projects and revise for assessments. Each year of full-time study consists of modules totalling 120 credits and each unit of credit corresponds to 10 hours of learning and assessment (contact hours plus self-study hours). During one year of full-time study you can expect to have 1,200 hours of learning and assessment.

Each programme and module is supported by a specific virtual learning environment (VLE) site.

How you are assessed

You may be assessed through:
• formal exams including 'unseen' exams
• laboratory and/or fieldwork skills and reports
• computer-based assessments
• problem-solving exercises
• data interpretation exercises
• critical analysis of case studies
• oral presentations and technical interviews
• essays, literature surveys, evaluations and summaries
• collaborative project work
• preparation and display of posters
• planning, conduct and reporting of project work
• electronic portfolios
• videos.

You are provided with an assessment schedule providing details of the submission deadlines for summative assessments.

Our Disability Services team provide an inclusive and empowering learning environment and have specialist staff to support disabled students access any additional tailored resources needed. If you have a specific learning difficulty, mental health condition, autism, sensory impairment, chronic health condition or any other disability please contact a Disability Services as early as possible.
Find out more about our disability services

Find out more about financial support
Find out more about our course related costs


Entry requirements

Entry requirements

We are committed to widening participation and encourage all students with the potential to succeed, regardless of their background, to apply to study with us. We operate a flexible admissions policy taking into consideration individual circumstances, including personal achievements, relevant experience, personal qualities, as well as qualifications and grades.

Year 1 entry
96-112 UCAS tariff points
You must have GCSE English and Mathematics at grade 4 (grade C) or equivalent and have studied at least one relevant subject at Level 3. Eligible subjects include:

Applied Science

Typical Level 3 qualifications include:

A levels (within a minimum of grade C from one relevant subject)
BTEC Extended Diploma
Access to HE Diploma

Alternative equivalent UK and international qualifications and subjects are also considered. If you are not eligible for Year 1 entry, we also offer this course with an integrated foundation year.

Direct entry to later years
If you have previously studied a relevant subject at a higher level (HNC, HND or one or more years of a degree at another institution) we can consider you for direct entry to Year 2 or Final Year of this course. Please provide us with a complete detailed transcript of your previous studies with your application to help us determine your eligibility for advanced entry.

Applicant Days
If you receive an offer to study with us you may be invited to attend one of our Applicant Days. This is a great opportunity to learn more about studying at Teesside by exploring our campus, seeing our excellent facilities, meeting staff and students, and finding out more about your course.

The Applicant Day provides you with information, guidance and advice to help you make the right choice. Even if you have attended an Open Day we encourage you to attend the Applicant Day - we are confident you will find your visit a useful experience.

Alternative progression routes
If you are not eligible to join this course directly then we may be able to help you prepare for admission by studying appropriate pre-degree Summer University modules.
Please contact us to discuss the alternative progression routes available to you.

Non-EU international students
Non-EU international students who need a student visa to study in the UK should check our web pages on UKVI-compliant English language requirements. The University also provides pre-sessional English language courses if you do not meet the minimum English language requirement.

For general information please see our overview of entry requirements

International applicants can find out what qualifications they need by visiting Your Country

You can gain considerable knowledge from work, volunteering and life. Under recognition of prior learning (RPL) you may be awarded credit for this which can be credited towards the course you want to study.
Find out more about RPL



Career opportunities

Graduates are sought by a wide range of industries and organisations including pharmaceuticals, environmental agencies, hospitals and government laboratories. Some graduates also go into teaching or do research and development work.


Information for international applicants


International applicants - find out what qualifications you need by selecting your country below.

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Useful information

Visit our international pages for useful information for non-UK students and applicants.

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Other course routes

Foundation year

Study this course with a foundation year if you need additional preparation or if you don't have sufficient grades to join Year 1.

BSc (Hons) Biology (with Foundation Year)

Work placement

Study this course with an optional work placement year, at no extra cost. Alongside this, you can gain valuable experience and engagement with the sector through our shorter work placements, internships and work experience opportunities.

Work placements


Entry to 2024/25 academic year

Fee for UK applicants
£9,250 a year

More details about our fees

Fee for international applicants
£17,000 a year

More details about our fees for international applicants

What is included in your tuition fee?

  • Length: 3 years (4 with work placement)
  • UCAS code: C100 BSc/BioS
  • Start date: September
  • Semester dates
  • Typical offer: 96-112 points

Apply online (full-time) through UCAS



2024/25 entry

Fee for UK applicants
£4,500 (120 credits)

More details about our fees

  • Length: 4-6 years
  • Attendance: 1-2 days a week
  • Start date: September
  • Semester dates

Apply online (part-time)


Choose Teesside

  • Student and graduate profiles
  • On video

    National Horizons Centre

    The NHC is a £22m research, teaching and training facility which addresses the growth needs of the bio-based industries set to transform the UK economy, including biologics, industrial biotechnology and bio-pharmaceuticals.

  • News

    Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Professor Paul Croney OBE, and Professor Mark Simpson, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) receiving a tour of BIOS.. Link to View the pictures. Teesside University launches bid to further expand health, medical and clinical provision
    Ambitious plans to support the region’s healthcare needs have been unveiled at an event showcasing Teesside University’s new £36.9m BIOS facility.

    Read the full story

    Link to View the pictures. Funding boost for Teesside University
    Teesside University is to receive a share of a multi-million pound national funding initiative aimed at developing new courses to teach the skills of the future.

    Read the full story


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UK students


Telephone: 01642 738801

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International students


Telephone: +44 (0) 1642 738900

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Open days and events




Undergraduate open day

9.00am - 3.00pm

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Undergraduate open day

9.00am - 3.00pm

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