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Undergraduate study

Our students

Adam Rissetto

BA (Hons) Photography

Adam studied photography after taking it up as a hobby during the pandemic. Read about his experiences on the course here.

I like the freedom of the course; I can be creative and explore anything I want while still fulfilling the criteria.

Adam Rissetto

Why photography?

At the beginning of 2020 I bought my first DSLR camera and took up photography, teaching myself the basics using YouTube videos. I was particularly interested in astrophotography at the time and very quickly got into wildlife photography. During the summer of 2020, I decided to take my hobby to the next level by studying it academically.

What have you enjoyed about your course?

I like the freedom of the course; I can be creative and explore anything I want while still fulfilling the criteria. My favourite module has been the Final Photography Project, where I had the opportunity to explore one of my ideas in depth, and simply have fun with the practical aspect of it.

Tell us about the facilities

They have been very helpful. I could borrow technical equipment from the University, use the darkroom to develop film, and have a photography studio to use at any time under the supervision of technicians. The facilities are also becoming more accessible and higher quality, so it’s a great time to study at the University.

What skills have you developed?

The ability to think critically and creatively about other artisans’ projects and work. I can relate this to my own work, helping me improve. I also learned a great deal about referencing and academic writing.

What are your ambitions for the future?

I want to follow in my father’s footsteps and work as a train driver, keeping photography as a hobby. Freelance photography or working for a company isn't out of the question, though.

Would you recommend photography?

Yes – the course is refined and organised, and the teaching staff, resources and facilities are great.

Any advice for students?

Don’t leave work until the last minute. It sounds obvious and everyone says it, but even if you do a small amount of work every day, it won't build up and seem impossible a couple of days before the due date.

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