Course overview
Accredited Foundation year Work placement
Study at Teesside University International Business School
See what it’s like to study at our modern, enterprising and dynamic business school
Employers in both private and public sectors identify that there are insufficient numbers of graduates with strong analytical, problem-solving and decision-making capabilities. Economics is a rigorous and highly relevant subject that develops these skills in abundance. Economics graduates are very much ‘work ready’ upon graduation and the healthy starting salaries enjoyed by economics graduates is testament to this. Through our connections with industry, we ensure that you are familiar with the latest trends and impact of digital and AI on business and society.
Top five reasons to study business economics with us:
- Financial awards: study this course and you may be eligible for a £9,000 Professor Jane Turner Scholarship (excluding those applying to the foundation year).
London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) Workspace: use fast, lightweight and user-friendly web technology to enhance your learning experience. Stay ahead of your peers with access to high-quality data, news and content.
- Industry input: we work with brands including Coca-Cola, Apple, Virgin Money, Volvo, and Microsoft, to give you experience of working with global organisations.
- Entrepreneurial opportunities: our students have created 500 new business start-ups through Launchpad – a start-up community who provide support and advice for students looking to start a new business venture.
- United Nations’ PRME initiative – we’re a proud signatory of the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative, which aims to globally raise the profile of sustainability and responsible leadership to equip current and future leaders with the skills to deliver positive change for business and society.
Course details
Course structure
Year 1 core modules
Introduction to Economic Principles
Using appropriate economic analysis methods, you develop fundamental understanding of critical real-world economic issues. You also explore economic principles, models and their policy implications.
This is a 30-credit module.
Organisational Performance and Strategy
Gain basic knowledge of business operations and strategy management principles, focusing on the external environment and identifying factors which may impact on internal capability and resources. You explore the importance of the business environment and the impact of organisational behaviour. As well as organisational resources, capability and competency, risk factors and management, leadership and management, organisational culture, structure and function.
This is a 30-credit module.
Quantitative Methods in Business and Economics
Economics is both an academic and practical subject, with mathematics and statistics playing a fundamental role in research and problem solving. You are introduced to essential quantitative methods, allowing you to review fundamental numerical skills which develop into key mathematical and statistical methods for economics and business.
This is a 30-credit module.
Technology in the workplace is changing at a fast pace, with organisations striving to utilise technology to develop efficient business models. You are introduced to emerging technologies and shifting attitudes in the workplace, examining how these new technologies are impacting business and identifying opportunities for the future.
This is a 30-credit module.
Year 2 core modules
Applied Mathematics and Statistics for Economists
You explore the use of mathematics in the conceptualisation of economic theory, and its use to solve specific problems. You also study the essential econometrics methods implemented in quantitative data analysis.
This is a 30-credit module.
Apply your learning directly to a real enterprise. You work in small groups with a local business on a live consultancy brief. You identify the problem, conduct research to come up with a solution and present this to the business. This gives you to the opportunity to explore an enterprise, and the ideas associated with organisational behaviour and managerial approaches to business development in a real-world context.
This is a 30-credit module.
You assess the importance of businesses having an online presence to support branding and customer service objectives. Explore the stages of this, including analysing customer needs, designing website structure and layout, and creating the website. Focus on different digital channels, and their suitability for inclusion in effective integrated on and offline marketing programmes and campaigns. You adopt a strategic view of digital marketing, both theoretical and practical.
This is a 30-credit module.
Intermediate Economic Theory and Applications
Enhance your understanding of aggregate and microeconomic behaviours. You learn to distinguish and critically apply different economic theories to policy debate and applications in the real world.
This is a 30-credit module.
Optional work placement year
You have the option to spend one year in industry learning and developing your skills. We encourage and support you with applying for a placement, job hunting and networking.
You gain experience favoured by graduate recruiters and develop your technical skillset. You also obtain the transferable skills required in any professional environment, including communication, negotiation, teamwork, leadership, organisation, confidence, self-reliance, problem-solving, being able to work under pressure, and commercial awareness.
Many employers view a placement as a year-long interview, therefore placements are increasingly becoming an essential part of an organisation's pre-selection strategy in their graduate recruitment process. Benefits include:
· improved job prospects
· enhanced employment skills and improved career progression opportunities
· a higher starting salary than your full-time counterparts
· a better degree classification
· a richer CV
· a year's salary before completing your degree
· experience of workplace culture
· the opportunity to design and base your final-year project within a working environment.
If you are unable to secure a work placement with an employer, then you simply continue on a course without the work placement.
Final-year core modules
Financial Markets and Investment
You explore key financial principles and products including assets and markets, equities, bonds, derivatives and investment funds. Examine the broader economic environment in which the financial services sector operates, looking at how activity is determined and managed in different economic and political systems. You are also introduced to financial services regulation, gaining an understanding of ethical behaviour and acting with integrity.
This is a 30-credit module.
Conduct a business project related to your subject area, allowing you to demonstrate your capability in undertaking an individual piece of research. This may be an investigation of a practical business issue, a relevant issue of academic interest, or a live problem-solving project.
This is a 30-credit module.
Reimagining the Future of Business and Society
Unpack the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and explore the utopian and dystopian possibilities of the goals being met or unmet. You develop your understanding of the global impact of these goals while considering global challenges and possible solutions.
This is a 30-credit module.
Topics in Economics for Managerial Decisions and Strategy
Gain a deeper understanding of how economic methods and theories contribute to the identification, framing, analysis and justification of problems and decisions in the business, management and corporate strategy. You explore how economists can enhance an organisation's economic standing.
This is a 30-credit module.
Modules offered may vary.
How you learn
Modules are taught by lectures, seminars, practical workshops, work-based activities and group work. Teaching staff adopt a range of web-based technologies to deliver module content, assess, provide feedback and communicate with you.
How you are assessed
You are assessed through assignments, exams, group work, presentations and live practical projects.
Our Disability Services team provide an inclusive and empowering learning environment and have specialist staff to support disabled students access any additional tailored resources needed. If you have a specific learning difficulty, mental health condition, autism, sensory impairment, chronic health condition or any other disability please contact a Disability Services as early as possible.
Find out more about our disability services
Find out more about financial support
Find out more about our course related costs
Entry requirements
Entry requirements
A typical offer is 80-104 tariff points from at least two A levels, T level or equivalent.
GCSE grade 4 (C) or above (or equivalent) in maths.
We welcome applications from mature students without conventional entry requirements. We take into account any alternative qualifications or other experience you may have.
For general information please see our overview of entry requirements
International applicants can find out what qualifications they need by visiting Your Country
You can gain considerable knowledge from work, volunteering and life. Under recognition of prior learning (RPL) you may be awarded credit for this which can be credited towards the course you want to study.
Find out more about RPL
Career opportunities
Graduate economists possess good writing skills, strong numerical and computational skills, as well as enhanced communication and presentational skills. It’s hardly surprising that they are found in a variety of fields including insurance and actuarial work, banking and finance, sales and marketing, as well as in more traditional public sector areas of public policy and treasury functions.
We provide an environment that allows you to develop the extra practical employability characteristics that make you more attractive to employers in the job market.
Our staff use their extensive business connections to provide many and varied opportunities to engage with potential employers through fairs, guest lecture sessions, live projects and site visits. In addition we offer a series of workshops and events in the first, second and third year that ensure all students are equipped with both degree-level subject knowledge plus the practical skills that employers are looking for in new graduate recruits. We also offer extensive support for students to find and secure industry-year placements which have been shown to make have significant positive impact on a student’s career prospects on graduation.
Our award-winning careers service works with regional and national employers to advertise graduate positions, in addition to providing post-graduation support for all Teesside University alumni.
Through collaborative projects with our international partners, you gain the skills and confidence to succeed in the world of work on a global scale. You work with SMEs and large corporate organisations, developing practical business skills by formulating solutions to real-world challenges. We ensure that you acquire a unique mix of ability, knowledge and experience to secure the perfect role.
Information for international applicants
International applicants - find out what qualifications you need by selecting your country below.
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Useful information
Visit our international pages for useful information for non-UK students and applicants.