Think of StREAM as a fitness app for your education. This new tool will help you monitor your own learning and take control of your future.
Using data we already have, such as attendance, log-in activity and card swipes, StREAM provides a personalised engagement dashboard to help you map your own student experience. It provides a personal picture of how you engage with learning opportunities and it will provide a focus for coaching conversations with your personal tutor.
StREAM is here to support you. It will generate an individual engagement rating, providing you with a better understanding of how you are doing and what you can do to improve, if anything.
Your engagement data will only be shared with key staff relevant to your studies who will work with you on enhancing your performance and understanding how small changes can generate maximum impact.
By working together, we'll help you to get the most from your studies and your future career.
Engagement is a term that refers to how you are interacting with the university in various categories that reflect your daily life as a student.
Interactions such as your attendance, library card swipes and postings on Blackboard Ultra (BbU) are all signs that you are participating in the daily business of being a Teesside University student.
Staff can also use StREAM to record their interactions with you, such as when you stop by for a meeting with your Personal Tutor, or when you have an appointment with the Student Journey Team.
Research shows that if a student is more engaged with their course - for example if they are interacting with support on campus, attending classes, using online learning materials in Blackboard - they are typically more likely to progress in their studies. As such, we encourage our students to interact with the StREAM platform, so you are aware of how your engagement fares over time and compared to your peers. This is not to panic you - we know sometimes that there may be valid reasons why you cannot attend class or why you haven't logged on to university systems. But it is a useful way for you to see if you are more likely to need support at certain times in your studies. If you spot that your engagement dips and you feel you need support, reach out to your personal tutor. They'll be able to see your StREAM dashboard too and, if you do need support, your tutor can refer you to support services via StREAM. You can see the update on these referrals on your StREAM interactions page too.