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Student carers

Who are carers?

A carer can be anyone, of any age, who provides unpaid care and support to a relative, friend or neighbour who is disabled, physically or mentally ill, or affected by substance misuse. The person would not be able to cope without the carer's support.

Am I a carer?

Do you provide unpaid:

  • practical support
  • emotional support
  • personal care
  • physical help
  • help with medication
  • help with finances

If you answered yes to any of these, you are a carer.

This also includes being a friend or relative that provides full time care to a child when their parents are unable to care for their child

What is the potential impact of caring on life as a University student?

Being a Carer, as well as a university student, you may find it challenging to juggle your caring responsibilities with the requirements for your course. This could include being able to attend timetabled sessions and/or submitting assignments on time for example.

You may also find it difficult to fully immerse yourself in the social side of university, for example you may miss social events, find you are unable to join clubs and societies or stay behind after class due to your caring commitments.

Support at Teesside University

Financial advice

You can arrange an appointment to speak to one of the University's finance advisers, please direct enquiries to You can explore potential financial support through the University Hardship Fund, which may include money towards unexpected or exceptional circumstances. Please registe at to access the application.

Mental health support and counselling

You may wish to access support and guidance from a Mental Health Adviser within the university to help you manage the impact of your caring responsibilities on your mental health and wellbeing. The Adviser can support you to manage any academic issues and/or any social or personal issues you may be experiencing as a result of your caring role. They can also refer you into a specialist service, such as the Counselling Service, if appropriate for longer term support. To explore available support options, you can book a Student Support Initial Assessment by email

Academic course advice

You may wish to discuss any academic issues, such as needing to take time out from your studies, to access support with extensions and/or to discuss any mitigating circumstances. You can request specialist advice and support by email

Academic learning support

You can access support and guidance with academic writing, academic skills, numeracy and engaging in your studies through the Student Success Tutors Programme. The team runs drop in advice and guidance sessions in the Creator Lab in Student Life. The team can be contacted by email at to book virtual drop in appointments and to answer any queries. If you would like a referral to be made to the team, you can do so by speaking with a Student Adviser (in Student & Library services), your personal/module tutor and/or your course leader.

Social Support

You can access support with joining clubs and societies, advice around housing and welfare issues, advice and guidance with course related issues and much more through Teesside University's Students' Union. To contact the Students' Union, email

Contact us

The University operates a drop-in/enquiry system through the Student Life Building. If you need advice or guidance the Student Life building is located in the Campus Heart.

T: 01642 342277
In person: Student Life

Student Life opening hours
Monday - Friday: 8.00am - 6.00pm

Accessing community support

If you provide care and support to an adult friend or family member, you may be eligible for support from your local council through a carer's assessment. You can access a carer's assessment through your local adult social care service. During a carer's assessment, you and a social worker will discuss any challenges you face as a result of being a carer and will agree on a support plan, which sets out how your needs will be met. This might include practical help with housework, support in helping you keep in touch with family and friends, becoming a member of a gym so you can look after your physical health, or putting you in touch with local support groups.

It may also be that the best way to meet your own needs is to provide care and support directly to the person that you care for, for example, by arranging for someone to step in when you need a short break. It is possible to do this as long as the person needing care agrees. To do this, the person you care for would need to have an assessment and be eligible for social care services. This may include the following:

  • attending a daycentre
  • overnight respite
  • sitting or enabling support
  • support with personal care
  • direct payments – this is where the person you care for employs someone to act as their support worker or personal assistant
  • a personal budget – this is a sum of money that the person you care for can use to purchase services, including those that may support you to have a break from caring.

A financial assessment will also be arranged and the person you care for may be asked to provide a cost towards services.

Information regarding support for carers in the Middlesbrough area

If you are out of area, please contact your own local authority for more details.

Who can I talk to?

Carers Together

It can provide information and support such as advocating in meetings, liaising with services, a carer's emergency card, carer's breaks service, welfare rights service, counselling service and support for carers of people in hospitals.
T: 01642 488977
Carers Together website

Carers Trust

This is a safe, online space for young adult carers aged 16-25 to share experiences with each other and receive one-to-one support from professionals.
T: 0300 772 9600
Carers Trust website

Carers UK

An expert phone advice and listening support service five days a week. Carers UK carries out benefits checks and advises on financial and practical matters related to caring.
T: 020 7378 4999
Carers UK website


Kinship is the leading kinship care charity in England and Wales. We're here for all kinship carers - the grandparents and siblings, the aunts, uncles, and family friends who step up to raise children when their parents can't.
T: 0300 123 7015
Kinship website

Relate North East

It offers access to talk to a trained counsellor who understands the particular difficulties that carers face.
T: 01325 461500
Relate North East website


WCYC is the coordinated brand aimed to reach carers (whether known to services or not) to provide relevant, accessible information and support.
WeCareYouCare website

Support by area


Carers Together

The TAD Centre, Ormesby Road, Middlesbrough, TS3 7SF
The Innovation Centre, Vienna Court, Kirkleatham Business Park, Redcar, TS10 5SH
T: 01642 488977
Carers Together website

Middlesbrough and Stockton MIND

T: Middlesbrough Office 01642 257020


The Junction Foundation

19 Station Road, Redcar, TS10 1AN
T: 01642 756000
The Junction Foundation website

Carers Together

23 Queen Street, Redcar, TS10 1AB
T: 01642 488977
Carers Together website


Hartlepool Carers

19A Lowthian Road, Hartlepool, TS24 8BH
T: 01429 283 095
Hartlepool Carers website

Darlington and County Durham

Darlington Carers Support

Enterprise House, Valley Street North, Darlington, DL1 1GY
T: 01325 357 533/ 07624 818780

Horizon Young Adult Carers

DISC, IES Centre, Horndale Avenue, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 6DS
T: 01325 731160
Horizon Young Adult Carers website

Hambleton and Richmondshire

Carers Centre (in association with Carers Trust)
Unit 2, Omega Business Village, Thurston Road, Northallerton, DL6 2NJ
T: 01609 780872/ 07442980375

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