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Student Casework Office (SCO)

Formerly Office of Student Complaints, Appeals and Regulations (OSCAR)

Our role is to ensure that you receive advice on matters relating to any issues or concerns which you may experience during your time at the University.

Our main functions are to:

  • provide fair and impartial advice on matters relating to issues of concern
  • provide assistance relating to the University' Student Complaints Policy and Procedure
  • endeavour to provide answers to questions regarding University policies and procedures, and provide full copies on request
  • provide advice and co-ordinate the University's Academic Appeals process
  • administer the review process of the Academic Misconduct, Extenuating Circumstances regulations, Fitness to Practise regulations, Student Disciplinary Regulations, Fitness to Study procedure, Student Attendance and Engagement procedure, and the UKVI Tier 4 Compliance Policy
  • administer the Admissions Appeals Process.

Unfortunately, we are unable to:

  • change University policies or procedures, but we can make recommendations for change to those with the authority to implement them based on statistical trends
  • act as a friend or representative. In the first instance, you should contact an education advisor in the Students' Union make decisions or render judgements. In order to maintain impartiality, we do not provide a verdict, but can provide recommendations to assist in the resolution of issues
  • provide legal advice
  • participate in formal proceedings, although we do act as an officer in certain University committees.


We would appreciate any feedback you may have regarding the content of this site.

Academic Appeals

Academic Misconduct

Admissions Appeals Process

Code of Conduct/Disciplinary

Extenuating Circumstances

Fitness to Practise (Review Stage)

Support to Study

Student Attendance and Engagement

Student Complaints

UKVI Compliance Sponsored Student Policy (Appeal Stage)

Contact information

Should you wish to contact us, please email us on the details below.


Student Casework Office (SCO)
Teesside University

Useful links

Student Handbook
Student Regulations
Students' Union

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